Types of writing in ancient Egypt
1. Hieroglyphics: It prevailed in Pharaonic times from the beginning of the ancient era until the end of the Pharaonic state after the modern state and then began to extinction, it was usually written from the right to the left or from the left to the right, horizontal or vertical, which are signs including the nature of Human beings, animals, plants, water, sun and other natural phenomena, where the Egyptians wrote on the papyrus and the walls of the temples and pyramids and religious texts were all written sacred and was taught difficult and therefore learned, which was called writer; was a high and high status among the Egyptians and also learned this after it A writer can (E) To rise in office so that he may become a provincial governor or a minister.
Hieraticism was invented and derived from hieroglyphics with some simplification. The priestly line was also called the line of clergy because the priests and clergymen used this writing very much in all their works. It is written on porcelain and wood, and most of the literary writings of the Egyptians were recorded by the Heratics.
3. Demotic: It prevailed after the end of the modern state in the era of the last decline of its ease of hieroglyphics and Hieratica and also called colloquialism because it spread among all the people and was a language of circulation but written.
The Coptic alphabet, which is the ancient Egyptian written in Greek letters, recorded by the Christian clergy all their writings and religious texts, and dominated that language and many with the diversity of those who lived in Egypt in that period from the Pharaohs and Persians and Ptolemies and Greeks and Greeks and Jews to the Romans, And the writings were a certain writing prevail in a particular era and also for each field of writing and the appearance of that difference and diversity clearly in the Roman era, and then was the Islamic conquest of Egypt and thus began other languages ​​to recede until the rule of Arabic, but not considered the writings of ancient Egypt because it did not Tsu D only in relatively advanced times.
These languages ​​were discovered and decoded by Rosetta Stone, discovered by the French in Egypt during the French campaign. This stone contains three types of writings: Hieroglyphic, Demotic, Greek.

Hieroglyphic writing on a graveyard.
A medical document containing a Hieratic script.
The Demotic Script (from the Rosetta Stone).

 Raw materials used in writing in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptian writings were written on papyrus, which was spread in Egypt due to the availability of papyrus in Egypt. The leaves were papyrus strands affixed to each other vertically and were written on them with black and red ink in wadis. Papyrus There was writing on porcelain, wood and stone, and from those writings on these different materials we learned the languages ​​of ancient Egyptians and their civilizations and literature and everything.

 The Uses of Writing in Ancient Egypt
The writing was used in all matters of life and was used in religious writings on the walls of temples and pyramids, and was used in public affairs and royal orders. It was used in education and other matters of life. It was also used in literature. .

Literature in Ancient Egypt:

The literature of the Egyptians was one of the most important forms of intellectual life. It was used by the famous Egyptian writings. It dates back to the time of the builders of the pyramids, but the finest of what remained of it is what was written in the Middle Kingdom era.

1. Religious literature: It is like the texts of the pyramids and the Book of the dead and engraved on the walls of temples and graves and also songs and songs, such as what Akhnaton left us in the description and reverence to God has left the Egyptians of that literature a lot.
2. Fiction story: It was fictional stories, or real
3 - Literature Althzibi: The teachings and commandments recommended by the good advice may be said by Pharaoh or teachers or parents or wise people and the most famous of those teachings Ptah Htep in the era of the old state, and I was in the era of the modern state.
4 - Praise praise: It is the most famous of which excelled Senusert III was often meant to glorify Pharaoh and his works and heroines.
Examples of polite literature:

1. The curse of God is solved by the one who does not say the truth.
2. Do not fight in a situation when you are wrong.
3. Do not turn a fool so you do not have hatred.
Examples of praise literature: poetry verses of Senusert III

You are great, Master of his homeland: You are the Lord, who prevents us from the Nile flood revolution

You are great, master of his homeland: You are the warm corner during winter days

You are great, master of his homeland: You are the shadow of darkness during the summer days
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