Egypt reported an important archaeological discovery dating back more than 7,000 years.
The head of the Egyptian Antiquities Department, Dr. Mahmoud Afifi, said that the discovery is a cemetery and a residential city dating back to the beginning of the families in 5316 BC, located 400 meters south of the temple of King City I in Abidos, Sohag province, during excavations carried out by the Archaeological Mission Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and works on the site.
Afifi added that it is likely that the cemetery and the residential city will be followed by senior officials and officials of the construction of funerary tombs and royal walls of the kings of the first family in Abidos, where they found inside a group of huts and tools of daily life, including the remains of pottery vessels and stone tools, A residential city for workers responsible for the supply of labor to build royal tombs with food and drink.
He also stressed the importance of this disclosure, which could reveal a lot of information about the city of Abydos, and adds to the Egyptian history in general new pages and secrets not revealed before, noting that the Egyptian archaeological mission this disclosure is the best evidence that the ministry has cadres A young archeologist who is capable of promoting archaeological work and preserving the heritage of Egypt.
For his part, the head of the Central Department of Antiquities of Egypt, Hani Abu Al-Azm, said that the mission has so far been able to detect 15 huge cemeteries of brick, some length of some 14 meters, varied designs and architectural styles.
He pointed out that the size of tombs discovered inside the cemetery exceeds the royal tombs in Abydos, which dates back to the era of the first family, which emphasizes the importance of their owners and their influence and social status during that early period of ancient Egyptian history.
The head of the archeological mission, Yasir Mahmoud Hussein, explained that some of these tombs are unique in their architectural style, with more than one terrace that sometimes reached four, which distinguishes them from other tombs. It is known that the first appearance of tombs with terraces was in the tombs and royal installations in the era of the first family in Saqqara and then in the era of the third family, and this is the first appearance of tombs with terraces in the era of the first family in Abidos and not Saqqara.
Hussain also pointed out that the archaeological mission includes a group of young archeologists specialized in excavation, pottery, drawing and human bones, through which a group of archaeologists were trained in the work of registration and documentation.
Tags: discoveries
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