The curse of the pharaohs suggests that anyone who bothers the mummy of an old Egyptian man, especially if Pharaoh is a curse. This curse, which does not differentiate between thieves and archaeologists, has caused bad luck, sickness or death. Since the mid-20th century, The book and documentary films are those that are caused by explanatory scientific reasons such as bacteria or radiation. However, the modern origins of Egyptian tales about the anatomy of the mummy and primarily in European cultures, the shift from magic to science to explain curses, and the changing of their uses of dead disturbance to entertain the masses. film Ra  It indicates that the Egyptian curses in the first place a cultural phenomenon, not exclusively scientific.
There are occasional cases of real old curses appear inside or on the front of the Tomb as is the case for Mastaba (an ancient Egyptian burial) from Khanteka brother of the sixth dynasty in Saqqara. And show apparently directly as guidance about the priests to protect the cemetery carefully and maintain the ritual purity rather than the warning of thieves Almemknin aly Although there are curses dating back to the nineteenth century stories, they have doubled in the wake of the discovery by Howard Carter of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Despite popular misconceptions of concepts, there was no written real curse in the tomb of Pharaoh has been considered evidence for such curses related to King Tutankhamun to be small so that it is seen as a "trap clap pure" by Donald Redford

Discover the Curse of the Pharaohs

The myth of the Pharaohs' curse began at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 and was first noticed by inscriptions saying, "Death to the wings of the saints will strike all those who disturb the king." This is the inscription that was found on the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was followed by a series of strange incidents, Many of the workers searching the cemetery, which puzzled scientists and people, and made many believe in the so-called "Curse of the Pharaohs," including some of the archaeologists who participated in the discovery of the civilizations of the Pharaohs, the ancient priests of Egypt have poured their curse on anyone trying to transfer those effects Where it was said that a strong sandstorm had broken out Around the tomb of Tutankhamun in the day it was opened and spotted hawk flies over the cemetery it is known that the Falcon is one of the sacred symbols of the Pharaohs. But there is a German scientist to open a file of this phenomenon, which has preoccupied many to explain the mind, medicine and chemistry how the forty scientists and researchers have died before it is too late and the reason is that the young king .. Tutankhamun .. Although this king does not have any value historical and perhaps the governor did not do much .. perhaps it was in the era of counter-revolution on the King Akhenaten first to call for monotheism .. but it is certain that this young king had drawn major importance that his tomb was not untouched by one of the thieves .. reaching us after thirty-three centuries and that this complete safety The king is also the source of the Pharaonic curse, and all those who touched him or touched him were persecuted by death A registered after the other so impressed by the strangest and what was known as the human species punishment .. clear thing is that these forty died .. But the mysterious thing is that death for very trivial and in incomprehensible circumstances, scientists can not be interpreted scientifically clear.

Tutankhamun, owner of the cemetery, the ark and curses ruled Egypt nine years from 1358 to 1349 BC. He discovered his tomb, Howard Carter, and began years of torment, race and despair. On November 6, 1922, Howard went to Lord Carnarvon. "Tell him that you have finally discovered something wonderful in the Valley of the Kings. You have covered the doors and the basement until you come to see the Lord. November, accompanied by his daughter .. Howard made and smashed the seals and doors .. One after the other, even a short distance from the burial chamber of King Tutankhamun The story of the curse began with the golden Canary bird carried by Carter with him when he came to Luxor .. When the cemetery was discovered They first called it the "Golden Bird Tomb" In his book 'Theft of the King' by Mohsen Mohammed .. that when Howard traveled to Cairo to receive the Lord, he put his assistant Kalender Alasfour on the balcony to receive the air freshener .. On the opening day of the cemetery Kalender heard a weak distress like a cry of a signal faster to find a Cobra snake extending his tongue to the bird Inside the cage .. Calender killed the snake but the bird was dead .. And immediately said that 'damn' began with the opening of the cemetery where the snake Cobra is on the crown, which is placed over the head of the statues of the kings of Egypt .. This was the beginning of the king's revenge of those who annoyed him. His shrine ..
On the other hand I think the archaeologist Henry instructs that something terrible on the road will Ihdt..olkn what happened next was something odd shift over time to the miraculous phenomenon of nature and one of the mysterious things that raised a lot of controversy, which did not find science an explanation of her to the present day this .. in celebration of the official opening of the cemetery was injured Mohammed Zakaria .. mysterious fever did not find one of her doctors explanation .. in the middle of the night completely Mohamed Zakaria died in Cairo .. the strangest thing is that the power supply has been cut off in Cairo without any apparent reason The same moment of death has been highlighted in the newspapers of the world news of the death of Mohammed Zakaria .. The newspapers linked Cairo and Some of the newspapers said that the finger of Muhammad Zakaria had been hit by a poisoned machine or bayonet inside the cemetery and that the poison was strong, indicating that it had retained its effect for three thousand years. A species of bacteria had grown inside the tomb carrying Disease and death, and in Paris said the astronomer Lancelan .. Tutankhamun retaliated

Tags: Magic and Mysteries
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