He was six years old and the longest period of rule in ancient Egypt. He ruled for about ninety-four years and died about a hundred years ago. His mother was his first and perhaps the most famous of his works in the early years of his rule. To Byblos in the north, and the length of the reign of King Bibi II impact on the weakness of the family, we find that in the end because of his age is unable to earn obedience to the princes of the powerful provinces who increased their authority and did not owe allegiance to the King and refused to pay tribute and the emergence of instability and insecurity, All of you N neglected laws and social edifice collapsed and the expulsion of employees from their jobs and increased looting
The tragedy began with the weakness of King Bibi II for his helplessness and his age and his astonishment at what was going on around him and his handing over the lies of the hypocrites around him. The rulers of the provinces took their provinces and Estadobabalahali, imposed the unjust punishments, looted the voices and neglected any reform of irrigation and land. On their waqfs, they are allowed to make their false pawns all evil, indifferent to the poor and the suffering of oppression and starvation, and whenever they are oppressed they demand obedience and patience and promised him the sense of punishment in the other world, and we reach Elias his goal, no ruler adjusts, and no law prevails, and no mercy landing, between the national Vantalegt invite them to disobedience And fought the injustice by force, and quickly responded to the appeal, broke the barrier of fear and traditions worn, and directed their deadly blows to tyrants and oppressors, and marched the holy fire to all the country and fired shells of red anger at the rulers and officials and clerics and cemeteries.

The Egyptian revolution, which left its character on the memory of the people had the impression of a massive revolution disrupted the scales and overturned roles. The poor had plundered the rich, and the former masters became slaves to their former slaves. The people abandoned the service of the ancient Pharaonic funerary rituals. Valtqos pharaohs and the pyramids and structures and all that I have known the ancient kingdom of the heavy burden of Pharaonic devices, tarnished his reputation

And we will go to the famous Egyptian historian James Henry Breasted and his book 'Egypt history of ancient times and to the Persian era' - says about the same period:
• On the occasion of the Second Baby sitting on the throne in his childhood was a long term, Maniton said that this king took over in the sixth year and lived a hundred years .... Thus, this king ruled the longest sentences in history .... It is hard to say that the incidents that occurred after the death Bibi II is still vague and difficult to know .... So after a government ruled for a period of more than a thousand years returned to the origin of chaos and disorder '
. This is the oldest comprehensive social revolution we have limitations on. '

All the information we have is written by a historian named Aburi in a book called "Cry of a Prophet." The great Egyptian historian Salim Hassan described this revolution as a Bolshevik revolution that completely destroyed and destroyed everything. This cry is a literary masterpiece written by this historian He describes the case of Egypt, the king of the old Bibi second .. says to him: that people have starved and died of hunger. Because the people are unable to bury their dead, the burial industry has been active. Those who were unable to bury the bodies were dumped in the Nile until the crocodiles became huge because of these bodies. They no longer imported cedar wood from Lebanon to manufacture coffins. The pigs were no longer able to find food, and the situation in the society was reversed. No one laughed anymore. Even the mothers were no longer able to give birth. The woman who was wearing the linen was walking torn apart. She had mirrors that no longer saw her face except on the surface of the water. No one respects the great, the world, the cleric or his parents.

People were saying, "If only we had died before that. The children would say, 'Why did they come to us?' The thieves became rich ... No one needed them to get married. In his bed were many daughters of wealthy families for food, drink and shelter. No one is afraid of the security men, nobles, priests or royal families, all of them no longer exist. They are hiding or fleeing or getting themselves into the Nile.
But history did not tell us two centuries later what happened in Egypt. How the situation stabilized and how the Pharaohs resumed construction, life and production and settled the government and returned the gods to the place of high hearts and minds of people.
It is the largest, the largest and the greatest revolution in history recorded by Adib poet poet did not find her counterpart in the thousands of years after that!

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