‪A light bulb in ancient Egypt‬‏

Most of Egypt's scholars were priests, because they were far from the hustle and bustle of life, enjoying the structures of comfort and tranquility; they were the ones who laid the foundations of Egyptian science despite what was in their beliefs of superstition
They say in their legends: The sciences were invented by the 18,000 BC BC "Thoth" the god of Egyptian wisdom during his reign on the earth of three thousand years, and that the oldest books in every science were among the twenty thousand volumes placed by this god ..

This is confirmed by Yemblix (about 300 BC). The Egyptian historian, who lived about 300 BC, believes that this estimate is not fair to God. It is estimated that Thoth is thirty-six thousand books.

Greece was the great "Thoth" and it is called Hermas Trasmastas-Hermann (Mercury) Triangle of Greatness.
We have no knowledge of what we can say in the theory of the origin of science in Egypt, and we calculated to say: We find the most advanced mathematical sciences since the beginning of the history of Egypt blogger; and saw that the design and construction of the pyramids require precision measurement can not be accessed without knowledge Wide mathematical sciences.

The dependence of life in Egypt on the rise of the Nile and its decline to take care of recording this rise and fall, and to calculate accurately, and the surveyors and clerks are not cut off from the measurement of lands that wiped out the flood parameters of its borders; there is no doubt that this measurement was the origin of the art of engineering, the foreign name is derived from two words geometry their meaning land measurement.

And the old are almost unanimous that this science is the status of the Egyptians, although Josephus thinks that Ibrahim came from the Chaldean account (from the land of the island) to Egypt, and it is not impossible to be arithmetic and other sciences and the arts came to Egypt from "Or Chaldeans "Or from other Western Asian centers.

The numbers were thick and tired - No. 1 represented him by police, 2 with two conditions, 3 with three conditions ..., 9 with nine conditions, ten with special marks, twenty with two of these marks, thirty with three ... ninety , The hundred with another new sign, two hundred with two flags, three hundred with three marks ..., nine by nine, with a thousand with a new mark, while the million represented by a picture of a man beating his palm over his head, as if expressing surprise at the existence of such a large number, to decimal numbers in the way; if they did not know zero, and never get to the idea of expressing all numbers b Gluttonous numbers, but were expressing No. 999, for example, twenty-seven mark.

They knew the normal fractions, but the spread of these fractions was number 1 always; if they wanted to write 3slash4 they wrote 1slash2 + 1slash4.

And the tables of multiplication and division is as old as the pyramids, and the oldest message in sports known in history is the papyrus Ahmus dating back to the year between two thousand and seven hundred BC; but this papyrus itself refers to the writings of the oldest mathematical five hundred years, field, and hit examples for this account, and then move from this to algebraic equations of the first degree.

The Egyptian geometry not only measured squares, circles and cubes, but also measured the sizes of cylinders and balls;

What is the greatest pride if we can in four thousand years to progress in the calculation of this approximate ratio from 3.16 to 3.1416.

We know nothing about the Egyptians in the science of nature and chemistry, and hardly know anything about what they have reached in astronomy, and waving that the astronauts in the structures were thinking of the earth a rectangular box in which the mountains to hold the sky.

They did not refer anything to eclipses and eclipses, and in this science they were generally less sublime than their contemporaries in the land of the two rivers, but with this they knew enough of him to predict the day when the Nile was rising and to turn their temple eastward at the point where the sun shone in the morning Summer Solstice.

Perhaps they knew more than they did by broadcasting a people whose services were of great value to their rulers. The priests saw that their astronomical studies were hidden secret sciences that did not like to reveal their secrets to the market.

They remained for centuries consecutive planetary positions and keeping tabs on their movements so that their records included in this area for thousands of years.
They identified the constellations of the constellations from the constellations, and mentioned in their indexes stars of the fifth degree (which is almost invisible to the ordinary eye) and recorded what they thought the effect of the stars of heaven in the destinies of human beings, and these observations created the calendar which later became one of the greatest inherited by the Egyptians.

And the beginning of the division of the year into three chapters in each of them four months, the first is the separation of the rise of the Nile and its flow and decline, and the second chapter of planting, and the third chapter harvest, and the number of each month of their thirty days, because this number is the closest numbers easy to the length of the lunar month, Twenty-nine days and a half.

The word of the month was in their language as in English derived from their symbol of the moon.

After the last month of the twelfth month they added five days until the sun was in accord with the flood of the river and the positions of the sun.

They chose to start the year the day when the Nile usually reaches its maximum height, where the great hair (and they called it Sothis) shines with the sun at one time, and since the Egyptian calendar makes the year 365 days instead of 365 and a quarter, the difference between sunrise and sunrise is Who was at first a small and barely understood, increased until he reached a full day every four years.

Thus, the Egyptian calendar differed from the actual celestial calendar by six hours each year.

The Egyptians never corrected this mistake, until the Greek pharaohs came to Greece and repaired it by order of Julius Caesar (46 BC) by adding a day after every four years.

This is what they call the Julian calendar, and corrected the calendar more precisely in the era of Pope Gregory XIII, by deleting this extra day (the 29th day of February) from the complementary years of hundreds that can not be divided by 400; this is the "Gregorian calendar" which We use it today.

In short, our assessment is in essence the status of the old Near East.

The Egyptians did not advance the study of human body progress worthy of mention despite the art of mummification of the opportunities for this study, they thought the blood vessels carrying air, water and waste of fluids, and believed that the heart and intestines the center of the mind.

Perhaps, if we know what they thought of these terms, we do not find them very different from us in our certain beliefs, which we can not prove but a little, but they described with great precision the great bones and intestines, and knew that the heart is the driving force in living organisms, and that the center of blood circulation.

It is stated in the papyrus Ebers that "its vessels branch out to all members of the body, whether the doctor put his finger on the front of the human, or on the back of the head, or on the hands ... Or on the feet it meets the heart everywhere.

There was only one step between this and the words of Leonardo and Harvey - but it took 3,000 years.

The greatest scientific pride of the Egyptians is the science of medicine, and the priests were the initiators of it, as evidenced by evidence that this beginning has sprouted from magic.

Medicine like this is almost everything else in Egypt's cultural life, and amulets were more common among people than pills to cure or prevent diseases.

For example, the cold was treated with such magical words: "Come out, O cold, son of the cold, you who smash the bones, and the skull is damaged, and the seven head exits fall out. The DVR.

This is probably a treatment no less effective than any treatment we know today for this old disease.

And then rise in Egypt from these depths to the great doctors and surgeons and specialists who walked in the medical industry on the moral law was passed generation after generation until he reached the Department of the famous Hippocrates Department.

Egyptians were specialists in obstetrics and gynecology; some of them treated only gastric disorders, including ophthalmologists.

It is known that Koresh called one of them to Persia.

These are the specialists, and the non-specialists have left them to collect crumbs after them and treat the poor people; it was their work above this to attend to facial fats, hair dyes, skin beautification, body organs, and flea pesticides.

We have received several papyrus looking at medical affairs, the greatest value of the papyrus Adon Asm, also called the proportion of the explorer, a file length of fifteen feet, dating back to 1600 BC. M and rely on references much older than them.

Even if we hit a page about these first references, this papyrus remains the oldest known scientific document in history, describing forty-eight cases of applied surgery, ranging from skull fracture to spinal cord injury.

Each case is carefully investigated in a logical system in titles arranged from provisional primary diagnosis, examination, examination of the common symptoms of different diseases, diagnosis of the illness, its implications for its consequences and treatment, and comments on the surface of the scientific terms and explanations .

The author clearly states that before the 18th century the dominant position on the lower extremities of the body was found in the brain. "This is the first time this word has been expressed in the world of literature.

The Egyptians enjoyed a wide variety of diseases, although they had to die without knowing their Greek names. We spoke of their papyrus and their bodies stuffed with spinal cord, arteriosclerosis, bile stones, smallpox, polio, anemia, arthritis, epilepsy Gout, dermatitis, and appendicitis.
And some of the strange diseases, such as the inflammation of the vertebral vertebrae, and the long growth of Cradis bone deficiency, and we have no evidence of infection with syphilis or cancer, but gum rash, tooth decay, which are not affected in the oldest old stuffed bodies appear frequently in the bodies of the remaining stuffed covenants And that is evidence of the progress of civilization in these covenants.

The atrophy of the small finger bone and the lack of finger - a condition often attributed to modern shoes - was the case in ancient Egypt, where parents of all ages and classes walked almost all barefoot.

Egyptian doctors had a sufficient number of prescription drugs to resist all these diseases. In the Ebers papyrus, seven hundred medicines were prescribed for all known diseases, from snake bite to puerperal fever.

The Cahun Papyrus (dated back to about 1850 BC) describes the cones of the Elbous, and may have been used to prevent pregnancy.

A medicine box containing vases, spoons, dry drugs and roots was found in the tomb of one of the eleventh family queens.

The prescriptions fluctuated between medicine and magic.

And the effect of the mixture in their opinion commensurate with the disgust of self, and what the doctor's tickets describe the blood of the orchid and the ear of the pig and teeth, meat and fat stinking, and the brain of the turtle, and an old book fried in oil, and son of the psychologist, and clean water of women, and the feces of men and donkeys and dogs and prostitutes and cats And lice - all these are included in doctor's tickets.

The baldness was treated with the massage of the head animal fat, and some of these therapeutic methods moved from the Egyptians to Greece, and then moved from Greece to the Romans, and from the Romans to us, and still today we are confident and confident of many of the medicines that were mixed and equipped by us Egyptians on the Nile The oldest of times.

Egyptians have tried to maintain the health of their bodies by following public health means, circumcision of males, and by accustoming people to frequent the use of enemas. In this sense, Diodore Saqli says:

They avoid disease by keeping their bodies healthy by using laxatives, fasting, vomiting, sometimes every day, every three or four days in others, because they say that the greater part of the body causes more food to be consumed. Of this excess amount.

Beleni believes that Egyptians have usually learned to use an enema from a bird known as a "sickle father", a bird that resists constipation arising from the nature of its food intake by inserting its long beak in the preparation and use it as an injector.

Herodotus said that the Egyptians had "cleaned their bodies once every three months for three consecutive days, and are working to keep their health with vomiting and enemas, because they think that all people who suffer from diseases arises from what they eat."
This historian - the first historian of civilization - describes the Egyptians as after the lobbyists, the healthiest people of the world ...

Tags: Sciences
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