Its beginning:

The ancient Egyptian religion, in its early stages and in the long stages of its distant history, took on the multiplicity of idolatry and the diversity of beliefs, as did the old religions.

The early Egyptians reacted to every partial sensory phenomenon in which their lives and environments were affected by a supreme ability or hidden malady that they moved and controlled and worthy of sanctification for which resulted in the multitude of sacred evils and divine forces that were suffused with wind, rain and the phenomena of heaven. The hidden forces feel people with their effects and effectiveness but they do not see their bodies, linking the religious among them between their ideological and mental perceptions and many signs of the world of reality and the foundations, the links of causes and results, and symbolized every supreme power and hidden bug imagined by a sensory symbol expresses the secret of its secrets and holds the status of characteristics, Kalehi Anat, birds and other creatures.


1. It is noticed that none of the large remaining Egyptian temples, left over from the ancient times until the end of the modern state, at least, may find a place for an animal, which means that the chosen animal shrine, if any, was not the seat of actual worship imposed in the temple.
The priests put the chosen animal in a separate shrine from the place of worship, so that if the worshiper wanted to visit him, and if he wanted to pass it.

2. The choice of the ancient Egyptians for a symbol or an individual of the animal would not sanctify all of its kind. It was not right for a village to symbolize its Lord in the body of the stallion, for example, to use the horses in the field and transport them and to slaughter them. It is only one animal, their religion and Noamesh.

3. The ancient Egyptians did not sanctify an animal for themselves, and did not fully decide to their fathers material embodiment in the form of animal or bird, but the interest of intellectuals, including the selected animal bodies and birds target two desires, namely: the desire symbol to the attributes of God hidden some of the creatures manifest character traits , And then the desire to approach him through the care they provide implicitly symbolized by him of his creatures.

4. I said the importance of the role played by animal bodies exclusive symbols of the gods of Egypt since the early historical ages, and became the human body is the most revered what the ancient Egyptians by their bosses, and the custom to portray them and represent them in the form of the human in most cases, distinguishing them with their idols and eternal and absolute ability . These were the gods who kept the pure human body in most cases: Atom, Ptah, Anjati, Min, Jab, Knut, Ausir, Eissa, Nabat, Hishat, Khansu ....

5. It is rare for the Egyptians to be worshiped with an animal symbol in the name of the physical animal to which they are associated. They did not sanctify the falcon, for example, by the animal name "Bech" but in the name of Rabbani, "Hor". They did not sanctify the cow's body in its animal name, , And they did not sanctify the symbol of the crocodile in its animal name, "Ba", but with one of the two Rabbinical names "Khenom" and "Amun". They did not sanctify the sky in its natural name, Bit "but in the name of her Lord" Not ".

6. The names of their goddesses, which were mentioned above, are more in essence than names. The name "hoor" means high or distant, and the name "grand" means capable or capable. Atom means full and finite, And hidden.

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