The Egyptian environment is characterized by its bright sun and clear skies, and the flat green valley, bordered on both sides by a series of plateaus which sometimes rise and sometimes decrease in their various rocks. This highlighted the characteristics of Egyptian nature and defined its features. It allowed the Egyptians to know the calculation of the years and reflect on the sun cycle. In the formation of the ancient Egyptian doctrine, they developed as a result of the cycle of the sun and follow the night and day and the seasons follow that life is extended and that death is a temporary phenomenon that moves people from life to eternal life.

The artist was impressed by the nature and love of the Egyptian artist, whether it is for wild plants or plants, animals and birds and all that is rich in the Egyptian environment of the manifestations of life, which prompted him to contemplate and live with the life of loving and tasting it has been the impact that inspired by this nature His artistic works are hardly found in the production of the Egyptian artist through history, except what influenced him in the local medicine deeply affected and reflected in himself from the feelings and feelings.

The understanding of this fact is the key that we understand from the ancient Egyptian art and to realize its facts and objectives. Therefore, the first thing that the Egyptian artist cared about was the establishment of tombs. The early stages before the historical ages were digging in the mountain where the deceased was buried. .. The pottery vessels decorated with different drawings show the artist's love of the nature that surrounds and adored her.

This early production is considered one of the most beautiful of the ancient times. This stage is the legacy of civilization before the families. The artist's imagination grew and his needs developed and the effect of this was on the establishment of the terraces during the Third Dynasty as tombs for burial. These terraces became great architectural works and the number of rooms was forty The Egyptian artist was inspired by his love of nature, including birds and animals, to record on the walls of these terraces a complete picture of Egyptian life and the nature in which he lives, including plants, trees, domes, sycamores, berries and farm animals. Taurus also recorded wild animals.

This is in addition to the various occupations such as hunting, planting, irrigation, harvesting and the age of grapes all in a way that shows the extent to which this artist reached his faith in his art and dedication to him ... And the accuracy of performance in what is considered miracles and the color of these inscriptions in bright colors did not resort to To the tricks of the shade and light, but the colors of express derived from the land and plant.

And the development of the construction of the tombs to the construction of the pyramids listed and then the Pyramids of Giza and built alongside the huge temples, which was the first temple of Sakkara pyramid and the temple of the second pyramid has reached the temples of the greatest greatness in the central state and the modern state .. The summit reached the completion of architecture and the very achievement for which it was established and became the temple Including a group of buildings ahead of the way of the rams and then a huge edifice preceded by two statues and statues of the gods and then a heavenly courtyard surrounded by a shed on the pillars of this courtyard shines the sun and intensifies its light and followed by the lobby of the columns and the lobby of a great height lined with huge columns inspired by Ash Palm palm trees and beautiful plants such as papyrus, lotus and other plants that the Egyptians loved and used in all they need, and then ends this building in the Holy of Holies where the statue of God is placed.

All the walls of the temple, whether from the outside or from inside, were decorated with drawings that tell the story of life and the historical battles in which the people of Egypt defeated their enemies. The pattern of the construction of these temples makes it awe and greatness that fills the heart with reverence. The great difference between what man feels in the lit heavenly courtyard Is quite different from what it feels in the lobby of dark columns with its huge columns that fill the heart magnificence ... The sculpture was placed in the front of the temple and is considered an integral part of it with its architectural qualities and is subject to the forms of stone block to be immortal remains over time .


The ancient Egyptian artist proved his worth in the expression of the surrounding aspects of life and the many subjects in which he lived and influenced by and influenced by it and it seems clear from the record of these subjects and paintings on the rocks and on the surfaces of pots and paintings and the artist began recording multiple pictures of what he loved and lived in it His environment ... In the old state, we see an interesting example in the six geese painting, looking for its food. The artist painted it on a clay surface with stucco. Despite the artist's style, he was able to highlight the decorative features of the geese. stirred E They tend Brkabha Emenp leftwards researcher for food.

In the tombs between Hassan of the central state, we find other unique examples of the dari's portrayal of the artist on topics of daily life, namely, his love for nature and his keenness to record his minutes, details and honesty in this recording and in the tombs of the monastery of Medina in Luxor. The automatic wall of the themes emanating from the Egyptian environment, where we find the views of the fields and the trees and the trees that bear the bear and the farmer who sinks from the channel in the afternoon and field work and the shadow of the tree branches of trees and fishing parties and the views of the landscape to the other, which is a record of life Ancient Egyptian.

And contemplating the floor of Akhenaten Palace, preserved in the Egyptian Museum see how the artist crossed the groups of ducks as they fly spreading their wings over the papyrus bushes in the pool of Pharaoh's palace as the fish of various shapes are hinting and flowing in the water. It is worth mentioning that the Akhenaten era has pushed the art of wider steps to express nature an expression of an act of research and awareness and preparatory studies precede these works have been found in some Alkrukiat Khittatun city near Mallawi.


The Egyptian sculpture is an integral part of the architecture. We have already explained what the temples have of statues inside. The unity between architecture and sculpture emphasizes the unity between the architecture and the sculpture, as well as in the tombs and most of what was left by the ancient Egyptian artist of the sculptural works confirms its authenticity and its ability to highlight the characteristics, characteristics and characteristics of the figures who cast it. statues Sama this to confirm the total human values Kalakhlud and sublimation did not resort to purely individual CALVIN Greek.

An example of this is the statue of Khafra in the Egyptian Museum, which was made by the artist of the most solid types of stones - the stone of green diorite - and the artist was able to retain the characteristics of the stone block, which reflected the artistic composition of the statue, which features a unique design completed the plastic values in the blocks of surfaces that connect the king's head and falcon Publisher wings behind her and then bare shoulders and then stretch the legs and how to integrate technical relations between soft surfaces and cruise lines, and created by the artist from prominent decorations on the chair that sits upon the king.

The second is the Statue of the Sheikh of the country made of sycamore wood, in which he senses the meaning of immortality in his fixed view of the horizon and how the artist referred the block of wood to this full-fledged human image as it appears in his steadfastness, confidence and hope ... Like the third statue of Nefert and patronage in the museum Egyptian artist who own making colored limestone.

Although the ancient Egyptian artist has retained all the elements of the excellent work of art from a coherent composition to the relations in the lines and blocks and areas, but he was able to achieve in these statues in particular the other attribute depends on highlighting the meanings of tenderness and beauty and softness with the majesty of the character and described as also able to emerge in the stone dress paper, which embodies the virtues and beauty of the body.

There are many other examples of the Egyptian artist's achievements in sculpture. This production included all that he envisions in other areas, whether for man or animal or bird, using several materials such as stone, gold, silver, bronze, copper and wood. the artist resorted to the use of different colors in a lot of works of sculpture and drilling to confirm the expression that wants to achieve ... Egyptian Museum abounds with examples of innumerable represent the development of arts and sculpture drilling starting from the early age until the late period ...


The Egyptian artist is decorated by nature. We have already explained how much he loved the environment, which inspired the elements of his decorative units such as lotus, papyrus, plant leaves, soups, grape clusters, winged sun, and other elements that emerged from the authentic Egyptian nature. He also formulated these elements and units after they were restrained with their characteristics with the appropriate geometric shapes integrated with them and used the artist in natural colors such as red, yellow, green and blue with black touches and structure and characterized lines in the established decorations of elegance and delicacy and retain the characteristics of the shapes he painted.

Applied Arts :

The contemplator of the legacy of the ancient Egyptian heritage of art works applied artistic in furniture, utensils, textiles, ornaments, vaccination, porcelain, vending machines and ship models .. to feel that it was based on an indistinguishable design from the natural existence of things and the beauty of descent and the clarity of innovative values with high accuracy in performance So that some of these works appear to be a miracle of the miracles of applied art, for example the gilded and gilded family and the chairs whose limbs and backs were shaped on the heads of the powerful animals, some of which were decorated with beautiful symbolic drawings. Ornaments, such as necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc., in which the artist reached the climax of the design emanating from the Egyptian character and achieved accuracy and completeness in the art of drafting and decorating the precious stones that the ancient Egyptian artist designed and refined
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