Egyptian, Design, Man, Woman, Priest

1 - A study revealed that the Pharaohs are the first to call for family planning in the history of mankind
2 - Pharaohs were conducting circumcision for males at the age of 12 years and the age of puberty was not circumcision conducted for females as mentioned in one of the topics female circumcision has become a new Egypt customs wrong on the Pharaohs
The ancient pharaohs were only circumcised for proof. This is evidenced by the fact that some inscriptions were discovered on the walls of the temples in the Saqqara and Luxor regions. These inscriptions indicate that the circumcision was for males only

3- The ancient pharaohs examined the effect of women's urine on wheat and alfalfa plant to know whether the pregnant woman was pregnant or not. After months of the same experiment, they conducted her to know the type of the fetus whether female or male
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4 - Ancient Pharaohs discovered drugs to help reproduction and treatment of infertility were extracted from the milk dates and at the same time succeeded in the extraction of drugs to prevent reproduction and birth control was given to women only from the substance extracted from the gum arabic plant
The modern science pointed out that this plant has the ability to kill sperm cells, leading to temporary sterility in women has led some pharmaceutical companies in the manufacture of this drug for birth control
4 - Pharaohs extracted some oils from the Nile fish help to improve sexual ability and used wild lettuce as a pitcher of sexual ability, which puzzled scientists a lot because this article used to pacify sexual
But a new British scientist has discovered that many doses lead to sexual strengthening

What was the custom, if the ideas were consistent or not, and yours, or not? After all, no one has made it clear to me.
Ready to be clearer

In the end, the pharaohs were able to take note of these things, and contemporary scientists still study the life of the Pharaohs and medicine at the Pharaohs, and every day they are surprised by many things.

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