نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Magic: the greatest Pharaonic mystery‬‏
Magic is still a mystery of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Although thousands of archaeological discoveries have been made and many Pharaonic papyri have been deciphered, mystery still surrounds the nature and essence of magic among the pharaohs. Magic remains the mystery surrounding the secrets of Pharaonic civilization.
The magic began in ancient Egypt from ages before the age of writing knowledge, about 5200 years ago. It was associated with a certain class of priests, called "hymns" or "Griu Hob" in hieroglyphics, who were specialized in witchcraft, In order to influence people, sorcerers came to know the science of after-nature or metaphysics, where sorcerers were able to control the intangible forces that existed in nature, and in objects, both inanimate and living. Magicians only with terms, covenants and covenants, and no one was able to be charming Magicians were selected according to certain conditions to enter the temples and learn the arts of magic.

Many ancient Egyptian papyrus have spoken of the conversion of immortals into a predatory organism, which is confirmed by the myth of Moses and the sorcery of Pharaoh, inherited in all religions. One papyrus tells an interesting story about an Egyptian priest discovering his wife's betrayal of him with a young man. A small swab of wax and waited until the young man went down to the swimming pool to wash. The priest threw the wax crocodile into the pool and read his magical mantra. The wax crocodile turned into a crocodile, devoured by his wife.
One of the most famous magic stories is the "Khufu and the Sorceress" when the son of King Khufu came to visit the grandfather of the grandfather, who lived in the city of 100-year-old Sindfro, and asked him about the magic of his ability to cut off a human head And the king asked him to do so before him. Indeed, "my grandfather" cut off the neck of a goose, and threw the goose on the side and neck on the other side, and then pointed to it, and flew back amid the amazement of those present.

In the history of Maniton Samandi, an Egyptian historian who was a priest under King Ptolemy II about 280 years BC, the pharaohs were practicing witchcraft. All the kings of Egypt were aware of magic as part of the king's role in ancient Egypt .
One of the most famous figures in the Pharaonic Egypt, "Imhotep", who attained fame and high prestige, was that in the eyes of the Greeks they were equal to the Lord of Medicine, "Asclepius." Imhotep did not offer people naive magic practices, , An architect of architecture. His architectural mastery of Sakkara attests to this. He was also a first-rate statesman. In the modern state, Imhotep became a sacred figure in the scientific community, to the extent that the scribes poured out a little of the ink for him In the writing of any scientific book, where the fluid was poured in ancient Egypt one Forms of offerings.
And the starry world of the pharaohs was intertwined with our world and not separate from it. It is the world in which the spirits go after death, and the source from which all things come, and where the causes of all diseases lie. The priests in ancient Egypt treated the sick by contacting this world. In the language of the symbol, where it returns the balance back to the human energy system.

And symbols and carved paintings found in the tombs, clearly indicate the existence of magic in ancient Egypt, and that it was an integral part of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and that one of the most famous magicians in Pharaonic Egypt, magician "S - Atom", who lived in the late period of rule King Nkantabo II about 359 BC, and is credited with maintaining the famous painting known as the "Metternich", which contains one of the magical texts that were used for the treatment of bites of scythe and scorpions.
There is also a "Hor-Daddaf" a son of King Khufu, was one of the most famous wise men in the history of ancient Egypt, and it was said that he discovered many books of ancient magic, which enabled him to know the science of magic, as well as "Kh - m - Wast," the fourth son of Ramses Second, was the chief priests of "Ra" in the city of Memphis, and was fond of studying the ancient texts, including books of magic, and Vrp and famous for magic and wisdom.
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One of the most famous pharaohs and most capable of Harnovis, who witnessed the Battle of Mordevia in 172 CE with the forces of Marcus Aurelius, played a prominent role in the victory of the Roman army. When the army began to suffer from shortages of water and supplies, Harnovis performed magic rituals, , And saved the army of Marcus Aurelius from destruction, and completed the battle and defeated his enemies
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