
With the passage of time and the development of science and after the interest in the study of history and instincts did not know the buildings of the strangest and most admired buildings of the Egyptian pyramids As the progress of modern science found evidence of the progress of science at the Pharaohs scientists have noted the following information about the Great Pyramid only (1) Ancient land The time of the pharaohs found that the pyramid located exactly in the center of the Earth's mass at the time and this is strange strange how the Pharaohs able to accurately measure this place knowing that it is a very far from the areas where the royal family are located in it !! And then gold mines. It should be noted that the knowledge of the center of the mass of the Earth has not been modern only using satellites. 2) The big puzzle about how to build the pyramid with these stones, which weighs the smaller 2 tons, there is a theory about building a large slope around the pyramid to raise rocks, but this is not true because building this slope and hiding without impact may be a more difficult process than building the pyramid itself! ! And there is a new theory that says that the Pharaohs used a wonderful substance (mix) to build stones and pour them into molds !! Evidence that supports this theory is the inability of ultrasound to penetrate these stones. 3) There are also some amazing numbers that we see in the pyramid did not know how the Pharaohs knew, in addition to the fact that the pyramid faces correspond to the four directions exactly and the fact that the Aheran form the belt "mighty" star group. If we take the length of the pyramid in the pharaonic unit of measurement, we find that it is the same figure that represents the distance of the earth from the sun divided by one million, for example if the length of the pyramid 456 units was after the earth from the sun 456,000,000 and this is wonderful. 4) We can not say all these qualities here because of the multiplicity and because I forgot some of them, but I kept two qualities remind them and must be said where it was observed when flying around the pyramid of the integrity of its base and inclination with a very simple tendency, but apparent from the top is not seen from the bottom and when measured This inclination is found and exactly this tendency itself is the inclination of the earth which, as you know, makes the earth its shape !! 5) Finally, it should be said that the pyramid is characterized by a characteristic of the circle, for example, if we take the perimeter of the circle and divide it on its diameter we obtained the value "Bai = 3.14" and here pyramid if we want to measure the surrounding, which is exactly the idea of square shape and divided by two times height 2) We found that the result was the same number 3.14 and this is  strange proves the abundance of ancient pharaonic science !!
Tags: Sciences
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