Pharaonic embalming was associated with post-mortal beliefs
When you hear a mummification or mummification, the first thing that jumps into mind is of course Pharaonic Egypt. The ancient Egyptians were really the prettiest in this field, and nobody likes them, because embalming has been closely linked to post-mortal beliefs. A mummified body does not have the opportunity to be resurrected after death, its destiny is annihilation and nothingness. To avoid this horrific fate, the ancient Egyptians infused millions of mummies over thousands of years. They did not do so in vain or in vain, but because embalming was their gateway to eternity.

The mummy Junger .. The nature of nature
There is a great deal of controversy about the period in which the Pharaohs practiced embalming for the first time. Historically, the first stuffed bodies were not made by the ancient Egyptians, but were credited with embalming nature. Egypt's dry and hot desert climate naturally transformed the bodies into mummies The earliest examples of these natural mummies date back to the pre-ruling period. In the late 19th century, prospectors found a group of them buried in a mass grave, one of which was the mummy of a woman named Ginger because of the tufts of her red hair. In the British Museum.
If the first stuffed bodies were born from the womb of the land of Egypt, there is no doubt that the ancient Egyptians realized early on the property of their wondrous land in transforming the bodies into mummies. This realization inevitably played a major role in the development of their post-mortal beliefs. Or for years after death, they discovered that the body was still well preserved as if it had been buried recently, and that inevitably raised many questions about the fate of man after death, questions gradually crystallized into the early oldest beliefs in the history of human beings in terms of death Resurrection, and arithmetic.

Types of embalming

The god Anubis prepares the dead for his ecclesiastical journey
Apart from the monotonous historical narrative of the development of the work of embalming through the ages, the Egyptians have known embalming since the time of the first dynasty (3100 BC) and developed this work to them to reach the height of perfection and paper in the era of the twenty-one. The process of mummification itself was conducted according to different methods and methods, which plays a great role in determining them. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, there were three main methods of embalming: simple, medium, and licentious; the first was for the poor, whose embalming was limited to washing the body and drying it in salt. And the last type, the most sophisticated and detailed, was the share of the rich and noble, and is taking out all the viscera of the body carefully. Needless to say here that the most refined craftsmen, and the best and most expensive materials, were the Pharaoh and his family.

How is embalming?

The god of Osiris .. His lower half is a mummy
The embalming was associated with Anubis, the dead god and guardian of the underworld, depicted with a human body and a jackal's head. His job was to accompany the dead and help him overcome obstacles during the long and frightening journey to appear before Ozerz, the Lord of the Underworld and the court of the dead. The journey of the arduous dead was at the banks of the Nile, where the body of the dead is transported by boat to the west bank of the river where the shops of Ibu, the house of cleansing, which were like funerals of our time, are run by priests and professional miners.

The long process of embalming began to extend the deceased over a large wooden table where his body was washed and purified by Nile water and palm wine and dried in preparation for the next step, which requires the extraction of the dead intestines by a hole in the left side of the abdomen. The hole, except for the heart that remained in place because of its extreme importance to the dead, will determine its fate in the court of the gods, because the dead without heart will never be able to pass that terrible trial.
The extracted intestines (liver, lung, stomach and intestines) were well washed with wine and marinade, dried in Natron salt and finally folded into linen rolls and kept in four pottery jars known as canopic jars. They were made in the form of the four sons of Horus.

Canopic jars
For the brain, the ancient Egyptians, like all the peoples of the ancient world, did not pay attention to him. They thought that the heart is the center of intelligence, thinking and feeling. Either the brain is perceived as the appendicitis for us today, an extra member without any benefit, for this the mummies would extract it with a metal rod through the nostrils and throw it away.
After the washing, cleaning and extraction of the intestines, the dead as a chicken was completely cleaned, inside and outside, and was ready for cooking, but the ancient Egyptians did not cook their dead of course, but they soaked them (pickled) in salt solution, according to the Greek historian Herodotus talking about embalming. However, today's scientists have a different view of what Herodotus said. It is likely that the body was placed on a large wooden table and then covered and covered with a dry nectar, which was used to absorb the fluid and prevent its decomposition. This process took 40 days, The dead we are practicing today in its origins to the 40-day period that the pharaoh's body was going through in salt.

Mummy pharaoh Sati I .. Note the magnificence of embalming the face
After the drying phase, the body was extracted from salt, cleaned and washed carefully with Nile water. It was then oiled with the oil of the Cedar tree to give the dry skin some softness and finally moved to the beauty house where the embalmers put their finishing touches on them. In order to regain its former body and shape, and they hide the wounds and scratches dye, and finally they Amshunha a mixture of scented oils, incense and myrrh - gum resin (resin) - and chewing gum.

The body was the last stage of embalming. This process took 13 to 15 days, during which the body disappeared behind 9 kilograms of linen cloth that was attached to some by resin gum, a gum imported from Yemen. Interestingly, the Persians, when they occupied Egypt in the late 6th century BC, mistakenly thought that the gum of the resin used in the mummy is Bitumen, which is used today in the paving of the streets. This material is called Mummy, .

The mummy of the grandmother of the pharaoh Tutankhamun
Wrap the body process was punctuated by priests chanting prayers and supplications for many of the Woods magic spells and blocking between the folds of coil linen to ward off evil spirits and to facilitate the exit of the (Ka) of the body. In the end, they drew the image of the dead over the linen shroud or covered the face with the mask of death (a mold taken from the dead face).

The process of embalming, ie, the processing of the body, drying and wrapping it took seventy days, followed by the people of the deceased and his relatives to receive his mummy, which was common in a procession majestic towards the tombs, but before burial was to take a final step to enable the mummy to continue its journey to the other world, The "open mouth" ritual is performed by a priest in order to restore some of the abilities lost by the deceased to his life, such as pronunciation and eating, and to make the body divides the body to unite with the ka (koreen). Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians were hired Naihat professionals lamented the dead Andbnh during his funeral to his final resting place, so as to think that the gods of the deceased person was loved in this world Vtkavih enter Paradise !.

Ashbatti .. Served the dead in the afterlife
The mummy was placed inside a large stone tombstone - tabut - and they placed with the deceased in his grave the canopic jars containing his bowels, in addition to some of his precious possessions to be used in his other life. Also in the tomb were small statues called Ushabti, The dead should perform in the other world. The paradise of the ancient Egyptians is different from the paradise we know today, as it contains fields and celestial farms where the righteous are living. These fields are like the ground fields. They need constant care and care, Oshbti) to do instead of his master , Vkanoaydon 360 ushabti with the Dead, on the number of days of the Pharaonic year, each one of them work and one day of the year and so forth.

Scientists are trying to uncover the secrets of embalming

The mummy of pharaoh Ramses II with an imaginary image of his true form
For decades, scientists differed about the method and materials used by ancient Egyptians to mummify their dead. This long dispute is due in fact to the ancient Egyptians themselves. They never mentioned how they used to mummify their dead. They left us countless inscriptions, drawings, writings and statues. Never to embalming, as if they never practiced it! It was one of the many secrets that hid from us for some reason, as I never tell us how they built Ohramathm .. and what purpose? .. Did not talk about their high-altitude altitudes weighing hundreds of tons .. Why and how they carved and transferred and erected?

Because the Pharaohs kept silent for embalming did not Ivkroh in Brdyatem, scientists have resorted to the Greek and Romanian sources where they might find an answer to their questions confused. Herodotus wrote the most detailed book on this subject. The man visited Egypt himself in the middle of the 5th century BC and spoke to her priests. But some of it seems illogical, like burying corpses in a salt solution. Dry seems easier and more practical. In order to dispel the uncertainty, in an attempt to disguise the mystery of embalming, two American scientists threw their arms into an exciting experiment in which they mummified a real human body with the same methods and methods as the ancient Egyptians. In fact, it was the first embalming of a human mummy for more than 2,000 years

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