نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪"Isis and Osiris"‬‏
What came to us from the era of the pharaohs is a collection of myths, and the legend means false stories is not real, whose purpose is to give you certain information based on it and become your approach in your life later, look closely and recognize the myth of ancient Pharaonic and is one of the most famous legends of the pharaohs, To indicate that good always triumphs over evil in the end. The history of the pharaoh "Isis and Osiris" CZB9iM6KHgtcYRdjQucG

the story
The story here tells that King Osiris was a good and fair king, and his brother the Prince "six" envied and hated him and wanted to take over the throne, and prepared a feast for him and equipped a magnificent sack of gold and onyx and asked the guests to lie in it, who finds the coffin measured measured reward him already The coffin is the size of Osiris. As soon as Osiris sat in the coffin, Prince Six and his assistants closed the coffin and threw it into the Nile.

Osiris drowned and his wife Isis was still looking for her husband until he found him in the mountain of Byblos, but found him cut into 14 pieces, which he had scattered all over Egypt, but Isis was able to recover these pieces and used the magic to restore the spirit of the king's body. And the king soon returned to the kingdom of the dead again but left a child inside his wife.
Isis gave birth to her son Horus, who brought him up to fight and strength to help him and avenge his uncle, his father's murderer. He hid him in the Delta and raised him there.

The young boy grew up and his love of retaliation for his father grows with him and his goal of revenge for his father and the restoration of the stolen throne that he stole from him and indeed it is time to avenge him. At the end of the legend, he managed to defeat his uncle and restore his throne Legend says that the era of Horus was thriving and full of good and development

Tags: literature
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