20 Interesting information about Pharaonic Egypt

The Pharaonic civilization is one of the oldest civilizations on earth. There are hundreds and perhaps thousands of information that have not been discovered to this day in order to explain a large number of puzzles related to work such as embalming. But what has been discovered so far has proved at least that it proceeded the era of other civilizations in many areas like: agriculture, architecture, medicine, astronomy,
But what has been discovered so far proved, at least, that it proceeded the era of other civilizations in many fields like agriculture, architecture, medicine, and astronomy.
The period of the pharaoh Pipi II (2246-2152 BC) was considered the longest era in history, 94 years old, as he became the king of Egypt when he was only 6 years old.
Ramses II (1279-1212 BC) was the most important Pharaoh in the Egyptian Empire. He ruled Egypt for 60 years and was the only pharaoh to have the title "the great" after his name. He had more than 90 children: nearly 56 male, 44 female. He had 8 formal wives, and nearly 100 were informal.
He had more than 90 children: nearly 56 male, 44 female. He had 8 formal wives, and nearly 100 were running.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as the burial place of King Khufu (2589-2566 BC) and took more than 20 years to be built. Built of more than two million blocks of limestone, each weighs as much as a weight of half a
It was built by more than two million blocks of limestone; each one weighs as much as a weight of half a ton. Its height is about 149 meters, higher than the Statue of Liberty, and the base of the Great Pyramid is estimated at about 5 football fields.
Ancient Egyptians not only mummified people but also animals, where archaeologists discovered a four-and-a-half-inch mantle.
Ancient Egyptian women had more rights and privileges than most other women in the ancient world. For example, they can possess, conduct business transactions, and initiate divorce. Women from wealthy families can become doctors or priests.
For the ancient Egyptians, bread was the most important food, and their favorite drink was beer. Breweries were found so that they were left in the graves for their conviction that the deceased would need them in the other world.
The ancient Egyptians had three different calendars: the calendar of agriculture, the astronomical calendar, and the lunar calendar. The planting calendar is 365 days divided into three seasons of four months. While the astronomical calendar is based on observations of the star Sirius, and was associated with the estimation of the flood season. Finally, the priests keep the lunar calendar.
The planting calendar is 365 days divided into three seasons of four months. While the astronomical calendar is based on observations of the star Sirius and was associated with the estimation of the flood season. Finally, the priests keep the lunar calendar.
Hieroglyphs were developed around 3000 BC - and the wall paintings may indicate their appearance earlier - in contrast to the English language contains 26 characters; there are more than 700 characters in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The first pyramid built in Egypt was by the famous Egyptian architect Imhotep of Pharaoh Zoser, in 2600 BC.
The ancient Egyptians worshiped more than 1000 different gods. The most important god among them was the god of the Sun Ra.
Throughout its long history, Egypt has known with many different names before. For example, during the Age of the Old Kingdom (2650-2134 BC), Egypt was called "Kemet" or "Black Earth", which refers to darkness, and rich soil in the Nile Valley. It was also called Deshret, or land associations, in reference to the vast deserts of Egypt. Later, it was known as Beit Ptah. Ptah was one of the oldest Egyptian gods.
It was also called Deshret, or land associations, in reference to the vast deserts of Egypt. Later, it was known as Beit Ptah. Ptah was one of the oldest Egyptian gods.
All the men and women of ancient Egypt shaved their heads, often wearing wigs. The type of wigs the user refers to was social status, as it became one of the most important accessories in ancient Egypt. The rich wore wigs made of human hair, while the poor wore wigs made of wool, or vegetable fibers.
The ancient Egyptians are the first to discover that the year consists of 365 days divided into 12 months, as they were the first to invented clocks. Egyptian Imhotep is considered the first physician, first engineer, and first architect.
The ancient Egyptians believed that it was the tears of Goddess Isis that caused the Nile to flood every year, so they celebrated the floods at an official festival called "A Night of Tears."
In ancient Egypt, every big city has a favorite god, like the people who support football teams today. In order to predict the date of the Nile flood, the ancient Egyptians developed the first calendar result in the world.
The Greeks interpreted the word "hieroglyphic" by dividing it into two parts (Hierro + Glyfy), which means "sacred sculpture", and considered this interpretation logical because they saw most of it engraved on the walls of temples and other holy places.
On the edge of the Western Desert of Egypt, scientists have discovered more than four million mummies of birds such as the stork, and the ancients call it "Ibis".
The "beautiful house" is the name of the house or the tent that the ancient Egyptians launched on the places of embalming in ancient Egypt.

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