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Egyptian mythology is one of the most important aspects of ancient Egyptian faith because it reflects the ancient Egyptian thought and doctrine. The lives and actions of the gods were fertile material for the priests, to tell stories and legends about them. These legends have become very complex and have become a pillar of the Egyptian religion. The following are the most important myths that influenced the thought and doctrine of the ancient Egyptian
Myth of Creation and Creation:
There were three legends about Creation and Creation according to three different theories. The first is attributed to the city of Heliopolis and the second to Hermopolis and the third to Mannf, but in the end it overcame The myth of Heliopolis after having mixed up some small views of the theories of Hermopolis and Menouf. But we will summarize the three legends as follows.
The first myth is the myth of Heliopolis that the universe originated from non-problematic water called N, from which the god Atom emerged, who appeared on a hill called the First Lordhead or the Godhead, and the god as Atom equals the god Ra. Then God came to find the "Shaw" And "Tfnot" wet goddess, who created the god god "god" and goddess "Naut" goddess of heaven and then resulted in "Osiris and Isis West and Neptis"

The nine gods formed the so-called Divine Consciousness (that is, the Companion of the Nine Gods), and this is considered a single divine entity, and derived from this system a cosmic theory, namely the representation of the universe in the form of a triad that is made up of the god of the air and standing with his hands the body extended to the goddess of heaven. At his feet.
The second theory, which arose in Hormopolis, says that the non-problem material existed before the creation of the universe and had four characteristics that correspond to eight of the gods in pairs:
"Nun and Nunit" the god and the goddess of eternal water (the first water).
"Hogg and Huhait" god and the goddess of space (space)
"Cook and Cook" god and the goddess of darkness
"Amun and Amunit" the god and the goddess of concealment
Before the creation of the earth, these gods were regarded as mere attributes of the non-problematic material (representation). These gods formed the Thamon Hermopolis (the assembly of the Eight Gods), as well as from the non-problem of the eternal (first) knob in Hormopolis. Sun god then took the sun god in the organization of the world ..
The third theory that appeared in Memphis - after becoming the capital of Egypt - attempted to glorify the god Ptah, the god of Memphis, and made it into the myth of the creation of the universe, the Greatest Creator God, but made it contain 8 other gods, some of which are the heliopolitical cosmos and the rest of the hormonal hymns.
Atom took a special place in this theory and introduced the pair "Nun and Tuppet" in the group as it introduced Tathan (one of the gods of Manf), which is the embodiment of the God from which the first eternal material emerged and then added four other gods are not precisely defined.
As for the theory of God, it is said that Ptah made the world in a mental form before he created it with the word ( Be).
Note: In some of the myths of the coming names of some of the gods consists of more than a section and this indicates either the evolution of the original God to several figures or the integration of some gods to me in the form of a greater God.

Legend of the winged sun disk:

In this myth, we see "Ra Hoor Akhti" as a worldly monarch not referred to as the solar disk in this myth. He is the king of Egypt, as we see him at the head of his army in Nubia, fighting against a conspiracy against him whose members did not make it clear, but considered some evil spirits or lesser idolatry. Raa Hor my sister flees in a ship in the Nile and sits in front of the city of Edfu and his son Horus. The sun and not the son of Osiris) to fight the enemies, and then we see Horus in the sky in the form of the winged sun disk attacking the enemies from the top and forced the enemies to escape, suggests God Thoth grant Horus the title of God Horus my limit (Horus Edfoy) and descends Ra Hor my sister with the Asian god Ashtart to inspect the land The battle, however, shows that the battle is not yet over Water in the form of crocodiles and river mares attack the ship, but Horus and his followers were able to eliminate most of them with bayonet and then form Horus form the winged disk of the sun and on the sides of the gods "Nakbat" and "Wadjt" continue in the hunt for enemies and defeat them.
This part of the legend shows the influence of the doctrine of Osiris, where Horus appears in the form of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, and this does not mean that Horus the Behdi or the Edvoy and Horus the son of Isis and Osiris Elhan are different but they are one God whose various forms and ways of representation appear in this part of the myth God Six - Horus and Osiris - at the head of the enemy in the form of a snake fighting erupts again in the 52nd province of Lower Egypt and achieve Horus victory and descend Horus and his sons to Nubia to crush another rebellion.
My father Hur Horus is rewarded to appear in the temples in the shape of the winged sun disk in order to preserve the temples
It is clear from this myth that there are two representations of Horus once with the falcon (Horus the son of Isis and Osiris) and once like the winged disk of the sun (Horus the Haddite or the Edvoy)
The myth of human destruction:

This myth occurs in the time of the gods that we mentioned where the gods and kings lived together on earth. The time of their occurrence was when Ra ruled Egypt, where Ra began to age, which made people conspire around him but he realized what they intended to invite the gods to consult about this matter, So that he would send his eye (which is the sun in the appearance of the gods of Hathor) to crush the conspirators. But Ra has pity on humans and sent his messengers to the island of "Alvntin" to bring a large amount of red fruit called "D" and ordered Ra to prepare seven thousand pitcher beer mixed with fruit beer even appear like blood. On the day when I went Hathor to destroy human beings it is Ra poured wine when God made them and played fields became completely intoxicated, making it forget its mission thanks to Ra. In spite of what Ra did to humans, some of them did not stop doing the sins, and his chest was broken with their sins. He went to heaven, and was swayed by the back of the heavenly cow, leaving God as a representative of him on the earth.

Legend of the Sun Journey:

One of the things that Egyptians are interested in is the journey of the sun at night and day. Myths emerged about the journey of the sun at night, the most important of which is that the sun is born from the goddess Naut, the Goddess of Heaven, from which she is born every morning and dies every night in her arms. But the other myth, which had the greatest influence, When the Egyptians are that the sun was roaming the heavens in a boat sailed in the heavenly river called this boat boat millions of years and in the morning called a boat is moored (ie moon boat) and in the evening called a boat caught (ie evening boat) and night enter the compound Night Kingdom, also called the world The other is known as the tool name The world to 12 provinces each region has its own name is separated from the other region gate guarded by keeper Amin. And these regions correlate to about twelve o'clock midnight. There are also many goddesses who protect the sun god from all the dangers of the night, and in each section God knows the password and without the password the boat is not allowed to pass even with the presence of the god Ra.
There are two incidents during this journey: the first is the continuous attempt by the serpent Abu Vis (Aabeeb) to prevent the passage of the sun, but every time defeated by the guardian gods, and throughout this journey in the Kingdom of the night the sun is dead.
The second incident is the encounter of the dead sun of the experiential god in the form of making (the god depicted by the Egyptians in the form of a beetle and the beetle in hieroglyphics means news, so it means the beetle, it also means the object and knowledge means the entity and believed that it can give the entity the spirit of others) the sun pushes the ball to the other world in the evening and is waiting in the other world live the sun when united his soul with the spirit of the god Ra and then the sun pushes the ball over the horizon of the earth. And combine the spirit of Ra with God Khepri in the form of making leads to the return of the spirit of Ra to the life Vikdm walk alive to sunrise this trip and is repeated every day.

The Legend of Isis and Osiris:

It is believed in this legend that Osiris was a fair king, a lover of good rule Egypt from his headquarters in the face of the sea, and his brother would envy him and wants the throne of Egypt prepared a feast called for his brother and he had prepared a fund Vahra invited six invited to lie in the coffin, Take it. The six had prepared on the size of Osiris and when they lay the Osiris closed six and his coffin him and threw him in the Nile

Osiris drowned. So she took Isis looking for her husband until he found him in Byblos (Byblos) but succeeded in stealing the body and cutting it into 14 parts (and in some accounts 16 parts) and then dispersed them in different places in Egypt, but Isis and Nephthys were able to recover the parts except the reminder member Some stories are said to have recaptured all parts.) Isis used magic in the composition of the body of Osiris to restore the spirit of his procreation and then carried from Osiris. It was difficult to live Osiris like his first life and he must live in the kingdom of the dead. Isaac was born Horus (also enchanted) and Isis raised Horus in the Delta Delta secretly until his help intensified and he wrestled six battles in revenge for his father until he defeated him in the end.
It is said that the origin of the legend of Osiris is a real figure who was a king in a very ancient age on the land of his ankles and his capital was east of the delta "Bouziris" (Abu Sir - Benha current) and explained his death drowned by the god that he died in a revolution against him was the city of " Which became the seat of the worship of God St (place of Tukh Qena governorate) and thus divided Egypt into two kingdoms, one in the delta and the other in Upper Egypt and united as a result of a successful campaign for the North.
This conflict was reflected in the re-establishment of the original kingdom over the old events (from the death of King Osiris because of the revolution). The myth that depicted the head of the North appeared to Ibn Osiris, who avenged his father and the legend began to form.

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