Philip II unites the Greeks and decides to fight the Persians:
Greece were not state Tantzationa political unity of the Commonwealth, but was divided into a large number of mini-states are keen to ensure each of them more independence and freedom and differentiate between them disputes and hatred. If these states reached a distant place in the fifth century BC, they were weakened and chaotic between them during the fourth century, while Macedonia on its northern border was serious in uniting and upscale. When Philip II ascended the throne of Macedonia, he saw that the situation of the Greeks was being taken apart by Macedonia, politically and militarily, and that the Greeks were fighting a national war against their ancient Persian enemies. They controlled the smaller Greeks of Asia and threatened the safety of the Greeks. And the other was the elimination of the Persian threat. The Greeks realized the purposes of Philip and divided into two unequal parts, supported by the least and opposed by most of them and they saw that the issue is the freedom of the Greeks, and they did not differentiate them from the independence of the tide And that it threatens their freedom dear to them are dangerous Macedonia was Oqrabhma and Persia was Obadahma must eliminate the immediate danger at any cost. Athens and Bojotia were therefore associated with this imminent danger, but Philip was humiliated by the Greeks in 338 in a crushing defeat in Chaeronea and a thousand of the majority of the Greek states.

Alexander the Great saves his father's project:

Philip died in 336 before his wish was fulfilled, ?? Alexander the Great has inherited his army and Tech ??? Greeks in a comprehensive war against the Persians in revenge for what ??? In the country ?? A century and a half ago it was not enough? Even ?? Fighting the Persians, despite the fact that it was surrounded by ?? Most important of which ?? Depend on the resources of the empire is inexhaustible, ?? Sovereignty and that while resources were against Alexander ???, can not rely on wild forces of the Greeks ??, the loss of their freedom and their submission to Macedonia, and then the ??? It is natural that not support their projects, but Macedonia has replaced ?? It is a strong young nation composed of soldiers with the most powerful, cutting edge equipment. And led by the king of a young man combines a number of experienced commanders.

Alexander the Great takes over the rules of the Persian fleet:

After the victory of Alexander in the post of Grafi ? Which addressed him as soon as he reached Asia Minor? To eliminate the sovereignty of the Persians Navy is taking over the Persian rules one after the other. Therefore shows ?? The shores of Asia Minor, Syria and Phenicia ?? As well as on Furinaba ((Barakah) guaranteed on ?? and leaves the Persian fleet homeless to resort to ?? boats? Egypt need Alexander because it was on the one hand ??? and on the other hand as a guarantee to put the country of the Greeks at the mercy of Alexander, because the seizure of Egypt, after the Dardanelles, placed in its grip the largest exporter on which the Greeks depended on importing what they needed of wheat, and moreover, this conquest placed the resources of the rich in its grip, making it easier for him to continue fighting the Persians. subject to the horse as much as the fear of being taken by hostile elements of Alexander the homeless, Or the fear of a national revolution led by the Egyptian aristocracy and was still a big affair in the Delta and allied with the Greeks, was able to such an alliance to subdue Cyprus and Phenicia, or at least threaten the safety.

Indeed, Alexander's capture of Phenicia was removed from its main danger, because Phoenician ships and Cyprus, the best part of the Persian fleet, then joined Alexander, but Agis of Sparta was still working magnificently in provoking the war against Alexander, On the other hand, there was a dangerous political consideration. Alexander was about to form an African-Greek empire. This empire could not have been conceived without the Aegean Sea as a pole of relief, and it was impossible to control this sea, but the eastern Mediterranean without first controlling Egypt.

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