‪Media in Pharaonic Egypt‬‏

The civilization of ancient Pharaonic Egypt does not differ in terms of discovery of the means (mass communication) and use a lot, about the civilization of Mesopotamia, if not they are more sophisticated and clearer ones.
Among the hands of specialists today are thousands (papyrus), which is the special paper extracted from the cane of papyrus, which was discovered by the Egyptians to draw on it and codify their ideas and philosophy. Besides, Ancient Pharaonic Egypt left us with hundreds of large stone temples and tombs buried deep in the mountains, Through long walls decorated with hieroglyphic inscriptions.
Maybe the manner of Egyptian writing (hieroglyphics) based on the images engraved on the walls of temples and on the walls of tombs and obelisks, and this huge number of large-scale sculptures, were the main means of mass communication in ancient Egypt. This is in addition to the texts of prayers, recitations, hymns, and literary, legal, scientific, medical, and religious texts written on papyrus. It was visitors temples read incantations and the texts of prayer and praise whenever they entered the temples in the sawmill across the country, and from north to south.
The huge stone and marble monuments are still in front of our eyes to this day, so that thousands of visitors from all over the world come to Egypt and stand in front of them: they are in front of a television show, a huge historical newspaper, or a book clearly open to time. And if the enormous stone statues and huge temples and dug deep in the mountains sometimes, do not spread easily and not doing its job only if it draws people, the news in ancient Egypt was easily and widely spread through (papyri).
If we look at the ancient Egyptian religions and stop with so many of the more than 2,000 Egyptian deities as the French world of Piraeus goes, we will simply need a number of "preachers" (Persuasion) and (persuasion) and intellectual and religious (hegemony) domination of the pharaohs and gods on the people, It also constitutes the mediator between them and the people.
If we examine the history of Egypt and Pharaonic, and the details of social, religious and political life in it, we know that the Egyptian religion has been rid of the primordial nature of it before any other people of neighboring or non-neighboring peoples, With regard to the nature of God Creator and the Creator's relationship with creatures, reward, punishment and after death). (Public relations), advertising (psychological warfare) and (mass media) to exert the required influence and to communicate new and innovative ideas for dissemination among people or to stand up to hostile ideological attacks. . Especially when we know that Pharaonic Egypt was divided for two reasons, namely: (Upper Egypt), which housed about (22) Twenty-two provinces, and (Lower), which includes about twenty (20) provinces. It is strange that Burt M. Harrow in his book "The Book of the Pharaonic Dead" (Madbouli Library, Cairo 2000) notes that "the match between the number of gods participating in the trial and the number of Egyptian territories led to the claim that each region was represented by God in the trial of the deceased. But the majority of Egyptologists now do not believe in the validity of this statement and still determine the number of gods with forty-two secretly secret God).
Some Egyptian scholars have gone on to consider the matrimony of pyramids and coffins as an integral part of the Book of the Dead, which explains in an integrated unit the development of Egyptian religious thought about the problem of death, considering that all texts are intended to provide the deceased with all possible intellectual thought in his difficult and difficult journey To heaven or to the other world.
If the inscriptions painted inside the tombs remain closed, especially the deceased, to protect them as a talisman, the hieroglyphic writings that adorn the walls of the temples are permanent daily messages to the people. Thus, they have existed for centuries, and we can imagine their effect on the recipient when we find them today. Despite the passage of thousands of years, with all this color coordination.

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