Egypt, Abu Simbel, Pharaohs, Temple, Old

There is no doubt that the Egyptian civilization has had an impact in the history of human beings and that there are social and cultural foundations rooted in the growth of Egyptian civilization during the seven centuries of existence and there are many cultural values ​​inherited from the ancient Egyptians and the most important social status of women in the lives of ancient Egyptians . In this ancient society, women participated in their religious, political and social life as well as in their daily lives. According to available sources, we can conclude that the status of Egyptian women in this era was much better than in ancient Greece or Rome. Herodotus, a well-known Greek historian, wonders about Egypt's ancient rights to her husband's inheritance.
The ancient Egyptian religion was equated with gods and gods. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the gods as symbols of intelligence, sincerity and love like the goddess Isis and Hathoru.

The connection between God and God in the Egyptian religion was a sacred link and symbolizes the system of the universe. Thus, the marriage between the Egyptians became a sacred and important contract and referred to participation, sincerity and equality.

There are papyrus papers indicating that monogamy was known even in the pre-familial era, seven thousand years ago. This is evidence of the importance of marriage and the extent of the sanctity of marriage, which we find in one of the myths that explain the phenomenon of Fayyadan Nile.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile increased when the gods Isis remembered the death of her husband Osiris and sat at the mouth of the river and crying, her tears descend to the river and increase the water comes Fayyad Nile.

Women in the Pharaonic era were active in many areas, especially politics. And in the history of ancient Egypt, many examples of queens and ministries that estimated their intelligence or the Pharaoh, who built the Great Pyramid and Herut name took power instead of her little son until the appropriate age to rule There are also queens continued to rule for a long year like Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for twenty years and The queens ruled Egypt next to their husbands, such as the wife of Akhenaten Nefertiti - beautiful Jamilat and the wife of Amenhotep - Al - Samarra - T and the most famous last queen of Egypt is Kilopatra, who became the heroine of novels and films.

Women in the Pharaonic era also had access to important positions in the country. We find names and titles in papyrus papers proving that there are names of women who worked in the judiciary, such as Judge Nabat, who was Hama of the sixth family at the beginning of the history of the Egyptian state. We also find the name of an Egyptian doctor named Bascht and from the papers we can conclude that she was one of the best and closest doctors Pharaoh.

The women of Egypt have been able to prove themselves in social and cultural life as well. For example, many of them have titles that indicate the role of the writer. This job has sometimes reached high governmental positions such as the accountant in the Pharaonic palace or the store manager. Time works in commerce and manages the stores of temples. All these facts refer to the independence of Egyptian women in the Pharaonic era and the extent of their rights in all areas of life, especially their legal rights to property, marriage and inheritance. If we compare the status of Romanian and Egyptian women in this era we will see that the Egyptian had more freedom and rights Put them away from the situation of Roma women who were suffering from a lack of civil rights.

The Egyptian archaeologist and Christian Egyptologist Christian Corr said that even the simple Egyptian woman who lived in the countryside had an enjoyable and happy life because it was clear that gender equality was natural and innate in ancient Egyptian society but without exaggeration and the preservation of the role of women As a mother, wife and housewife, and we often see drawings of this age that show women as working in the field helping their husband to collect the crop like men if needed.

The Egyptian civilization has not forgotten in its many laws women's issues and over the centuries many laws have been enacted regulating their role and legal status in society. The most important ones were the marriage contract and the laws that contain the rights of couples before each other and their requirements and the issue of inheritance after divorce. It requires the parties to be faithful and respectful and gives the woman in case of divorce without cause the right to take her belongings that came to her husband's house on the night of the wedding and in case of divorce by agreement of the parties or for a specific reason the Egyptian woman has the right to one third of the property of the couple. But it is clear that divorce among Egyptians was something that was unloved and rarely or rarely happened. The most beautiful and light proof of the role of women is important in the life of every Egyptian man, whether the king or peasant was adhering to the tradition of burying wives beside the man in the same grave, as the ancient Egyptians say: the couple partners in life and does not differentiate them to death, but remain lovers in the Hereafter .

It is surprising that every child born in the upper class or in the royal family should have started her education, such as boys in the fourth year of her life. Girls, such as boys, learned to write and read hieroglyphics, ancient Egyptian literature and hieroglyphics. Ancient but simpler than hieroglyphics and used in daily life and not used in religious and official texts as in hieroglyphics. The daughters of kings and princes had the right to learn the whole curriculum, which contained the principles and basics of mathematics and engineering. There is a saying to one of the wise men of ancient Egypt

important information

1 - indicates that the ancient Egyptians have "a wonderful invasion of nature by their beekeeping and Egypt is the oldest country known to beekeeping."

2 - The rite of eating always says, "The ancient Egyptians ate food while they sat and hands from a tray placed on a small table with a base, and the hands must be washed before and after eating."

Tags: Historysocial life
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