The importance of the city of Memphis is due to the fact that it is the first capital and city in the history of Egypt. It has acquired special importance in preserving the Egyptian national heritage since it was taken by Mena Al-Qahtreen, the capital of Egypt. Despite its extreme importance, The whole region has suffered growing problems due to the neglect of most of its effects, and focus on the pyramids of Giza without attention to the origin and beginnings of civilization in Memphis capital.

White wall

(Memphis, Memphis or Memphis) is an ancient Egyptian city within the World Heritage Sites. It was founded in 3200 BC by King Narmer. It was the capital of Egypt in the era of the Old Kingdom (Sects 3-6). It was the worship of the god Ptah, 19 kilometers south of Cairo, and was known as the "White Wall" until the twenty-sixth century BC until the Egyptians called the name of "Nafer", a name that the Greeks, Memphis and then the Arabs called it "Memphis".

He pointed out that the village of Mitt Rahina or Memphis old has been neglected for a long time and the effects of severe damage such as the temple (Ptah), one of the most important ancient Egyptian temples, which has been neglected, so developed a plan to develop the entire area to grovel effects to save as possible Where there are only three statues of Ramses II and another of the Sphinx and some monuments.

The museum is characterized by the presence of a huge statue of Ramses weighing about 100 tons, and the length up to the highest distance of about 10 meters and is due to the family 19, The Sphinx is a stone of alabaster, and can double the number of tourists with the development of the region and provide various tourist services, there Temple of God Ptah, And there is a problem of rising water below the temple, which covers some of the stones, which represents a real danger to the composition or life span, and difficult to build the temple or lifting stones, a problem facing the temple in the winter or after Summer due to availability of water and near the Nile from the There is also the temple of Hathor, which has a high humidity and some statues in a very low area, and the temple of embalming
The greatness of this city is that it has survived through those ages, where there are a number of temples dedicated to the worship of the god of Ptah, and the temple of the famous Khabta, which derived from the Greek name of Egypt Egyptus, which spread in the world in various languages a name for Egypt. Unfortunately, only these temples remain. The ruins of the temple of Ptah the Great, and the statue currently standing in the Great Egyptian Museum of King Ramses II, which built the temple and added to it by other kings many parts, and there is the temple of Hathor, which was founded in the reign of Ramses and Merneptah, and added to the first King City in the modern state compartment, in addition to the temple of embalming and the temple of gods Hathor .

Dr. Abdul Halim Noureddine that the city includes a group of palaces, one of them to King Merneptah and the second King Ebris of the kings of the family 26, and still the ruins of the city includes the huge statue of granite and rose pink, a verse of beauty and sculpture in ancient Egypt, in addition to a collection of sculptures standing Ramses II , But after careful studies turned out to belong to King Sinusrt I of the kings of the family 12, and the city of Memphis old is now the largest statue of the Sphinx after the statue of Giza, which is the Alabaster and the modern state as well as a plaque from the reign of King Ibris.

And because Memphis impressed the creators, Homer mentioned the epic of the Iliad, the famous Odessa, the Arab historian Ibn Abd al-Hakim al-Qurashi, al-Yaqobi, and the Afghan imam in his writings, and on Pasha Mubarak, also known as the White Wall City and Alexander the Great. All this history and more lies in the folds. Oblivion and Neglect Despite UNESCO's adoption of this area within the World Heritage areas and its ruins now four villages are dead hostage, Azizia, Abuusir and Saqqara. All the stones need to be rebuilt to restore the temple to what it was.
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