Mummy, Pharaoh, Egypt, Egyptian, Monster

A mummy is a body or body that is protected - either by natural or synthetic methods - preserved in its general form. The conservation process is either complete drying, extreme cooling, lack of oxygen or use of chemicals. The word mummy releases all human remains from soft tissue. Mummification may be present on every continent but the method is associated with the ancient Egyptians for this is attributed to them. The first study of mummies was in the 19th century.

The most famous mummies are those that have been intentionally slaughtered for long periods of time, especially those mummies belonging to ancient Egyptian pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians believed that the body is the house of ka or qurain, one of the five elements of man, which made the preservation of the body necessary for the other eternal life that the Egyptians believed that the human being moved to when he died.

Mummies are associated with Egyptian legends and legends. However, several preserved mummies have been found all over the world and in all continents where embalming has been followed.
The word mummy originates from the hieroglyphic word "mm" which means wax or bitumen which was used in mummification. It was later derived from the word Mummy and later spread to Indo-European languages.
The Egyptian mummies are not just rolls of linen cloth damaged only by dead bodies. But it is a way of having permanent houses of life. This is a way of circumventing death. The embalming of the brain was extracted from the nasal cavity and the intestines were emptied from the abdomen and chest. The severed body was soaked in salt and dried. Dry skin was treated with a mixture of oils and resins. It was found that a mummy was damaged by tens of meters of linen cloth to make the dead clothes in his other eternal life. He used to recite the Psalms and practiced the rituals before the burial and he was buried with him food and drink and all that he needed to live the life of Haniyeh after death. The mummies were buried in Lahoud in the desert's thick and dry desert to absorb fluid from the body and dry it to keep the skin, nails and hair away from the banks of the Nile where the agriculture. The Moserons were buried in the built tombs. The ancient Egyptians wrapped the dead linen cloth sinking in resins since 3400 years BC ..
Tags: Sciences
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