The royal name: from - Khafr - Ra and means: Ra is the master of power

Original name: Djuti Miss and means: Born Thoth

He ruled from 1504 to 1450 BC.

He was the son of King Tuthmosis the Second, first taking over with Queen Hatshepsut, who carved him into the shadow

Throughout her reign she took over alone after her death.

Tuthmosis III began foreign policy after being neglected by Hatshepsut for 20 years

Especially that the situation in Asia Minor began to change as the migrations of the Hurrians from the middle

Asia began in the eighteenth century BC and is a people unknown to any sex

Some believe they belong to the Indo-European race and some believe they belong to the sex

Aryan, these successive migrations stabilized some in the Fertile Crescent areas and were

Some towns in some Syrian cities, and some settled in the outskirts of Iraq

And be the state of the Mitani as settled tribes of them in Anatolia and be the state of the Hittites.

Battle of Megiddo

The Mitani princes managed to ally themselves with princes and Syria under the leadership of the Emir of Medina

Kadesh - an ancient Syrian village now known as Tel Mandi hill - located on the river Orontes

When Thutmose III learned of this, he had to carry out his campaign to consolidate his property in Asia after it deteriorated

The Egyptian influence there and began every prince in his mandate, and he led his army from Qantara

And a distance of 150 miles in ten days and then reached Gaza and then cut eighty miles

In another eleven days between Gaza and a city at the foot of Mount Carmel, there is a contract

Tuthmosis the Third War Council with his officers after he learned that Amir Kadesh had come to Medina

Megiddo gathered around him 230 princes with their armies and camped in fortified Megiddo

To stop the advance of Tuthmosis the Third and his army.

There were three roads to reach Megiddo, two of which were on the foot of Mount Carmel

And the third is a narrow passage, but it leads directly to Megiddo and has settled Thutmose's view

That the army passes from the third corridor in an adventure that later turned the battle parallel

And is considered one of the most dangerous adventures of armies in the ancient world.

The enemy forces were stationed at one of the easy roads, believing that the Egyptian army

He would not venture into the narrow passageway, at the dawn of the following day King Tuthmosis was on

His forces attacked the semi-circle on Megiddo and dispersed Asians defenders

From the city and fled Harbin and left behind their large vehicles and their camp full

With spoils to enter the fortified city and because the Egyptian army was busy with spoils

The gates of the city were closed, forcing the Egyptian army to blockade Megiddo for another seven months

Until the princes surrendered and sent their sons carrying arms to be handed over to King Tuthmosis

But Amir Kadesh managed to escape after the battle.

His achievements

Thutmose III undertook a number of military campaigns to secure the border

Sixteen of the most famous campaigns are Megiddo which we mentioned, and the campaign of Mesopotamia where

He spent the Mitani king and put a plaque commemorating his victory over

The eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

From the inscription on the plate of Mount Berqal in Sudan we know that Thutmose

Has arrived in the army to the fourth gondola area of ​​the Nile River where the city

A plant where temples and castles were built.

He was known for his wide culture, where he was inclined to read and know and was brought

Of his campaigns animals and plants alien to the Egyptian environment.

Egypt was in his reign a strong state until the princes of the East had realized that anti-Egypt

Palmer, the god, did not impose the status quo and succumbed to the Sultan of Egypt and they were sent

Every year, Egypt became the richest country in the ancient world.

He left many monuments to commemorate his name where he built the Karnak Temple Hall of the Years

The hall of celebrations and the sixth and seventh edifices and a couple of obelisks

And small temples throughout Egypt, such as the temples of Abydos and only and the Fentin

And castles and fortresses on the Egyptian border.

He was buried in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, on the west bank, in Tiba, followed by his son

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