Before Alexander succeeded Egypt, he organized the country thoroughly. As the Egyptians welcomed him as the editor of their country, and the Egyptian priests had given their support and granted him the title of son of Amun and control of the world, Alexander did not see the need to take special measures to secure his power against the Egyptians in the system of administration he had set for them; his sole concern was to prevent all Those who were entrusted with the authority of the rulers of the excess in their rule, or from sedition against him.

Accordingly, Alexander granted Egypt internal independence, and the Nile Valley was placed under the rule of two rulers, one of whom was called Petisis. The other was called Doloaspis, a name that appeared to be Anatolian or Persian, but the first was soon to resign. The provinces bordering the delta were placed under the supervision of two Greek men. Apollonios was the son of Charinos, ruler of the region of Libya, and Cleomenes, the Nukrissi, ruler of the Arab region of Heronpolis. Qalymounis was ordered to order Betises and Dulo Asbes to take care of the ancient Egyptian traditions and to collect taxes after collecting them. The entire financial administration was in the hands of Qalyoumis. And left Alexander Egypt in the protection of the army and fleet will come back to talk about them later. It shows that Alexander had been entrusted to Qleuminis also in the month of Alexandria.

The systems that Alexander set for Egypt are characterized by two phenomena: the division of power between a number of individuals to avoid the risk of tyranny of one individual, which was contrary to the imperialism, especially in a country like Egypt, since its natural position was made from the immunity and power to the extent that facilitates the person Strong to protect them from external raids. If all power had come to Alexander Clemens even in the life of Alexander himself, it was not in the account, nor was he responsible for Alexander's systems, but for the weakness of the other rulers and the skill of Clemence himself. The other phenomenon is Alexander's affection towards the Egyptians, he did what the Ptolemies did later until the late days of their state, since Alexander chose among the Egyptians rulers of the face of the sea and the face of Bali, or at least one of these two rulers think that the other ruler, or At least his name is Anadoli or Farsi. The other ruler, or at least his name, is thought to be an Anatolian or a Persian. If this system is in line with the way that Alexander followed, he chose among the Egyptians the rulers of the face of the sea and the tribal face, or at least one of these two rulers, thinking that the other ruler, or at least his name, is an Anatolian or a Persian. If this system is in line with the way in which Alexander followed the other states, did he say, at the end of his life, in most cases, Macedonians or Greeks in the Orient because they betrayed or betrayed him, did so in Egypt? This is permissible. The book of the economy transferred to Aristotle associates the name of Qalymounis with the title of Satrab A, and the sermon on Demosthenes describes Clemence as the ruler of Egypt, and Pausanias says that Alexander was appointed to Egypt and Egypt. But our main source, Arbanos, as well as Quintus Cortius, do not mention anything. Thus, if it were true that Alexander had appointed Qleuminis and Elia over Egypt, he would honor his successors and appoint Ptolemy as the place of Qleuminis, as we shall see. Or should the change in the Egyptian system of government be attributed to the skill of Clemence, whose source of power has been seized by virtue of the supervision of its financial will? The hard thing is that when the spirit of Alexander was over, Egypt was only a state dominated by Qalymounis, who later became known as the Qalymounis of Alexandria, apparently because of his participation in the establishment of Alexandria.

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