The ancient Egyptian called the sacred writings the name "Bau-Ra"
(Baou Ra), ie, "the spirits of Ra" (the light of God).
One of the Egyptian papyrus states that "Bao - Ra" is the energy of light
Long live Ozer.
The "Ba-Ra" is the means by which he meets "Ra" (Lord of Light)
And Ozer (Lord of the Lower World).

The ancient Egyptian called the sacred writings the name "Bau-Ra"
(Baou Ra), ie, "the spirits of Ra" (the light of God).
One of the Egyptian papyrus states that "Bao - Ra" is the energy of light
Long live Ozer.
The "Ba-Ra" is the means by which he meets "Ra" (Lord of Light)
And Ozer (Lord of the Lower World).
The sacred writings known as "Bao-Ra" are not written by human beings
But it is the status of "Thoth" Lord of the Word, and "Sha" Lord of wisdom,
And the "Lord" of the earth.
It is necessary for a magician to be familiar with the secrets of divine words.
The ancient Egyptian, by nature, loved the written word, because it recorded the flag
And its reservation from extinction.
It came in an ancient Egyptian proverb (I love books, as your mother loves).
The sorcery of the magician in ancient Egypt did not stop and his passion for the written word
Only read it, but the magician also "drank the written word".
It was a ritual of magic in ancient Egypt that the magician put a paper
Papyrus, which carries the magic code in a container with water and leaves the paper in
Water for some time until the water is charged with the magic code, and after the text dissolves completely in water, the magician drinks the charged water with the magic word card.
*** Note to the translator (Egyptian folklore still preserves the word "watered and drank", to express the extraordinary energy of a written text).
The ancient Egyptian placed beside the mummy a scroll of papyrus containing texts
Addresses objects of other dimensions in the universe, and the purpose of these texts
Is to remove the forces of darkness and negative energies and prevent them from attacking the soul of the deceased when he travels in the other world. These magical texts were sometimes placed next to the head of the mummy and sometimes beside the feet.
Each temple in ancient Egypt was attached to it by a library, containing books of mystical and secret sciences such as magic. The library of the Edfu temple was housed
Books that talk about how to fight and control the forces of darkness, and the dimensions of crocodiles (symbol of death and corruption and corruption), and hunting black (symbol of control of fire energy). And protect the king (system code on the ground).
The magician organized his life according to the laws of the cosmic order.
The twentieth day of the first month of the flood season was a day of dispatch
And receiving speeches (day of correspondence). And this day in the eyes of the ancient Egyptian is the day when everything is finished old and everything starts again. It is the day of the codification of the Bible ... The book contains magical codes that can remove the forces of darkness and chaos that threaten the cosmic order.
Magic writings are living writings, because they use hieroglyphics
(Divine language).
Some parts of the pyramids of Al-Ahram are considered as examples of magical writings.
Each hieroglyphic character is a living being, with power and energy
Magic makes it influential in the afterlife.
I made symbols that bore images of dangerous animals such as black and black
Painted incomplete or cut into parts, so as not to hurt the spirit of the deceased in
The other world when it goes for life.
The ancient Egyptian believed that the word could affect the matter and give it
Spirit . The pronunciation and pronunciation of the word was correct
The secret in activating the magical energy inherent in it.
When the divine beings speak, their words displace forces
Chaos and darkness give way to the power of light and life to support the system
The universe. So the magician was singing and repeating the words of nitro, in particular
Horus' words that eliminate the forces of death, decay and decay
And the poison comes out of the body of the patient and brings back life, and saves humanity
Are all in danger of falling into chaos and darkness.
The strongest magic words were the ones that date back to ancient times
Since the dawn of history, the greatest ever is "Perret-Khiro"
(Peret kherou), ie "spoken words".
The magician must read, recite, write and understand these words
And its use as an effective and influential tool in the physical world.
And repeating the magic text 4 times earns a supernatural power, but depends
This is the correct pronunciation and the way to utter the word and rhythm

Tags: Magic and Mysteries
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