Amenemhat IV (1808 BC - 1799 BC) was the seventh Pharaohs of the Twelfth Dynasty. He began as a junior partner in the government with Amenemhat III, completed his former temples in the city of Madi, south-west of Fayoum, and built a temple at the Al-Sagha Palace in northeastern Fayoum.
The entrance of a temple built by Amenemhat IV in the ancient city of Madi in Fayoum. The period of his rule was relatively short of major events, but his era counted the beginning of the deterioration in the central state.

Amenemhat the fourth died without the heir of Daker and his sister, his sister (or aunt), Sobek Nefro, who became the first woman in 1500 years ruled Egypt. Amenemhat IV was the husband of Subk Nefro, but there is no historical evidence to support the idea. According to the Papyrus of Turin, Amenemhat IV ruled for 9 years, 3 months and 27 days.

Rhind papyrus is believed to have been written in the reign of Amenemhat III. He enjoyed the rule for a full 45 to 47 years, although his earliest date is from a papyrus of the 46th year of his reign, one of the 22 sisters of his reign. Amenemhat was later joined by his successor, Amenemhat the Fourth, by a rock carving (now broken) in Konusu in Nubia, which equals the first year of the reign of Amenemhat the fourth with the year 46, 47 or 48 of the reign of Amenemhat III.

Other Names:

Khafr Khafro (the Horus name)

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