Egyptian Art, Detail, Three Men

The name of the Hyksos did not refer to a particular people as much as it did to a group of rulers who called them "the truth of Khasout" meaning the rulers of the wilderness.

And some historians of the Greeks and the sufferers of this name called the "Hixos" translated by Maniton meaning "kings of the shepherds", and then translated by the Jewish Josephus in the sense of "prisoners and shepherds," and arrived between them and the Hebrews as a class of them, and assumed that the Prophet Joseph " Egypt in their time, and they - ie the Hebrews - went out with them after their disappearance from Egypt.

Once again, the Egyptians did not refer to a particular nationality as "Khasut Khasout" (and other synonyms such as Amo), but rather to Berber, foreign and tribal in general.

Indeed, the sexual origin of the Hyksos is still a problem awaiting the final solution, and the relatively accepted opinion is that the migration of the Hyksos to Egypt was related to large populist movements migrated from the plains of Central Asia, under natural or human conditions we do not know since the early second millennium BC. , And then flowed sporadically into eastern Europe on the one hand, and Anatolia and the Fertile Crescent on the other.

The different ways of their movements and the results of migrations from era to era, and from land to land, no matter how different names known by the history of different circumstances that appeared on the scene of accidents, and the names of the people, or expressed by the people of the countries they entered.

They were known by the sources of Asia Minor as Khateen and Hittites. They were known as the Upper Euphrates and the northeastern Syrian regions in the name of the Hurrians or the Khorites. Some of the sources called them "Aryan" or "Indo-Aryan" The Greek name of the two brothers, and the Egyptian source knew them as Basmu Khasut, which was devolved to Hexos.

In the beginning, the Hyksos used to form separate emirates, with large camps surrounded by their walls, surrounded by fences and walls of thick, high buildings, and a deep moat. They were said to be brutally sacrificing at the building of the wall of the city. They buried a child under the wall and buried their horses in tombs. Especially or bury them with their owners intend to pride them.

Some of the traces of their names are preserved in the name of 'Abd and may be read by Ya'qub Har and Anat Har. This has suggested to some modern scholars the possibility of a Hebrew sect among them, but these names are Amoritic names that precede the era of Hebrew names.

It is likely that the most important number of new war that helped the Hyksos invaders are shields that earned them immunity and confidence, and the large arcs made of wood (layers) and horns and strings of steel, and finally carts war with horses, which used after Ahmos I and the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt and founded the modern or imperial state starting from the 18th Dynasty. The hixus tastes are associated with the existence of modest types of clasps and ornaments, ornaments of calves and seals, colorful and molded pottery decorations, and the emergence of a new unit of scales and scales, as well as their presence in the spread of horses, wagons, shields and arched swords And composite arcs.

As the Hyksos failed to add anything new to the artistic life, they also failed to change Egypt's spiritual, linguistic and religious traditions. They remained as they were, and on the contrary, they were influenced and printed by them. If this did not prevent them from recognizing that they had made their kind Represents at least the upper tier or part thereof.

Tags: arcade periodHistory
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