The ancient Egyptian sources on the one hand and the archaeological sites on the other hand reflected the interest of the ancient Egyptian in his other world for his belief in the Baath and eternity and in the existence of other permanence and never after.

Perhaps this interest requires him to care for his body after death and keep it in relation to what we know of the art of embalming and what has been revealed by many sites of human mummies.

It also required him to pay attention to the existence of a place containing the body, which was the starting point for dozens of funerary tombs distributed in the Nile Valley for all the people, rulers and governed and if they differed in their qualities and degree of honoring them according to the deceased's status.

The first architectural form of the cemetery was the oval pit. The deceased was placed in a squat or fetal position and was surrounded by some of his daily life tools, such as grain, barley and some pottery. The deceased's body was emptied of liquid and buried (the first attempt at embalming).
As for the pyramids (royal tombs) was under the reign of King Zoser and by the engineer Amphotp Amhotep built the pyramid of Zoser known as (pyramid pyramid).

The listed royal cemetery has become a separate architectural unit in itself, but has become part of several other architectural installations linked, surrounded by an external wall known as the (pyramid group).

* The pyramid cemetery (broken pyramid ribs) in the reign of King Honi.

* The Pyramid of the Pyramid (Full Pyramid) During the reign of King Sennfrew, in the area of Dahshur, Sinfero was a pyramid (northern pyramid, southern pyramid).

* The marvel of the pyramids and one of the seven wonders of the world (the Great Pyramid), which was built during the reign of King Khufu, where the historian (Philo Byzantine) said that the seven wonders of the world are:
1. Egypt Pyramids.
2. Statue of Zeus in Olympia.
3. The Shrine of Halikarnas.
4. Lighthouse of Alexandria .
5. Ames will be buried in Babylon.
6. Temple of the Artemis gods in Ephesus.
7. Statue of Rhodes.

Khufu's largest pyramid was 137 meters high, but its original height was 146 meters, as evidenced by the iron list placed above the top of the pyramid. And its base square each length of which was originally 230 meters, and angled 50 to 51 degrees, and the length of the rib now is 227 meters, because of the removal of stones outer cover
The pharaohs of this family and its founder, Hor Hoveb, were especially active in the stability of Egypt's control over Syria and Palestine, and in the south of Nubia, where the uprisings of Akhenaten were taking place. City I and Rameses II launched fierce wars against Palestine and Syria and did not rely on the Egyptian legions , But on Libyan and Syrian mercenaries, who receive their salaries from large reserves of wheat, gold and silver.

The transition to the mercenary army is seen as the recruitment of Egyptian warriors has become difficult and the workers have demonstrated their hostility to Pharaoh's authority and priesthood.

Once again, Citi succeeded in subjugating the images that separated Egypt from the days of Akhenaten and consolidating maritime transport with Syria. He then occupied the north of Palestine and the area of Lebanon. He built several castles and created a base to move from there to the north.

His successor, Rameses II, tried to achieve this project. Almost all of Syria was in the hands of their strong enemy, the Hittites, and the battle of Kadesh broke out between the Hittites and the Egyptians, and the Pharaoh was able to reach the upper reaches of the Osi River. King Hatswail was forced to conclude a peace treaty with Rameses II (1317-1251 BC). The treaty ended with the marriage of the pharaoh from a princess of the so-called "diplomatic marriage".

After the death of Rameses II weakened Pharaoh in Egypt, but his successor Merneptah was able to maintain power and respond to the response of the peoples of the sea and maintain the crown.

The rebellion of the disgruntled peasants of hunger and injustice in the villages continued, the Pharaoh's authority continued to crack, while the power of the great priest of the Amun was growing and growing, and the pharaoh's authority in decline and decline.
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