The Egyptians did not expect anything of this when they welcomed Alexander as a natural ally who came to save them from the common enemy. Alexander arrived in Pluzion at the head of an army of some 40,000 fighters. His right wing guarded the fleet of Alexander, who walked the beach to this port, then entered the Nile branch and advanced to Memphis. As for Alexander, he left a garrison in Lozion, and was humbled through the desert to Heliopolis and from there to Memphis. Because of the reasons that kept the hearts of the Egyptians on the Persians that they violated the sanctity of the Egyptian religion, it was the first Alexander when he traveled in Memphis is to show respect for the Egyptian religion, and therefore made sacrifices in the temple of God Vtah of the national gods and the holy calf Abbis, That Alexander painted himself Pharaohs in the temple of Fattah according to Egyptian religious rituals. If Alexander showed respect for the Egyptian gods, he did not forget that he was the supreme leader of the Fornitha and that the day he left the land of the Greeks for the purpose of opening the East had declared himself the champion of Greek civilization and protector of the Greeks, and to prove this to the Greeks settlers in Memphis and Nokratis, The offerings to the gods In Memphis there was an African and Moroccan concert in which the musicians and actors who were known in the Greek world participated. And not to verify how they agreed the presence of these artists in Egypt in this and go some of the smokers to say that these artists called for the establishment of this ceremony, take from their presence evidence that Alexandria had agreed with Mazakis on the delivery long before the invasion, some else that these artists The Greeks went to Egypt to live representative in Nkratis among their friends Greeks and be close if ?? Alexander.

Establishment of Alexandria:

After Alexander completed his duties in Memphis. The branch of the Nile is built with antiques of the king, and there on the Mediterranean coast from the mouth of this branch, and then away from the silt deposits by the Nile always in the Mediterranean, and over the narrow apartment Lake Mariot from the sea. And when the ancient Egyptian batter rautes the foundation of the first city we know for sure that he created it during ??? It was in the conscience of the world that this city will become the greatest city name Alexander, but the greatest capitals of the Greek world in this age.

After Alexander laid the foundations of his new city, he was crowned by his leaders Amphoteros and Hajajos after eliminating the last resistance to Persians on the islands. The decision of Pharnabazos and the liberation of Sbsos, Tindus, Jayyus and Vos, the capture of the tyrants who had been established by Varna Patzus, as well as the minority rule of Chios, who betrayed the Secretariat and helped the Mamnouns in their city. Alexander spent the prison of these rulers in the nether, and the tyrants decided to return each of them to his country to separate him. Amphotros was entrusted with the protection of the country against Agis and the beatings of the pirates who had extended a helping hand to Varnabanzos, but this was not achieved at all because the war against Sparta had diverted the fleet of Amphrodites to the land of the Greeks.

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