Ancient, Egypt, King, Pharaoh, Tut

The most powerful periods of monarchy were concentrated in the age of the Fourth Dynasty, the era of the builders of the Great Pyramids, and the administration was concentrated in the hands of the king, who can be called the King of the Father because he oversees justice and truth, both on earth and in the other world
First: The King and the State:
The king assisted some of the assistants in his duties, headed by the minister, who was considered the personal representative of the king and was one of his duties oversee the house of money and justice in addition to the administrative work and assisted the minister in all works, a layer of the general public filled other jobs and a class of learners, including clerks and others, The administration was organized, otherwise the huge pyramids were not built.
Beginning with the age of the Fifth Dynasty and the emergence of the Sun faith and its god, Ra, who was considered as the creator of the world, the King lost some of his power. He also appointed ministers from outside the House of the Owner. He began to show senior officials a kind of independence and freedom from the severity of the system. Their provinces away from the capital's cemetery and perhaps some tried to save the administration in the country, but the rulers of the provinces acquired all kinds of forces in the country, until the collapse of the old state.
Let us not forget that the image of the king has changed in the people when he heard what is happening in the landlord of differences in order to sit on the throne and the arrival of those who do not have the right to his mandate then the people felt that the kings themselves began to recede and lost the divine idea holy to the people.
Second: Society and Economic Life:
If we try to imagine the image of society in the era of the old state, we find that most of the class of the people were peasants and all the agricultural land belongs to the state and may remain a class or small farmers have some small land, and may be a grant from the King.
As for the economic life was supervised by competent staff, collect taxes and put them in the house of money belonging to the Royal Palace, and it was spent on employees and loss workers and manufacturers and temples, and we can imagine the accuracy of work when we see the construction of the pyramids and how to implement and organize workers, The priesthood appeared and we mean the priests of the sun. Some of the lands were given to them. Many of the state's properties became private property. This helped to dismantle the central administration in the country. The priests also gave up the payment of taxes to the house of money and sent the workers to the work of the state. Haiar economic life.
Third: External relations:
On the one hand, Egypt had different relations with the countries of Nubia, Puntland and the Levant, especially Lebanon (Byblos), Cyprus and Crete.
This was not a military diversion, but its purpose was trade to bring in the country's Nubian resources. It was a transit area into Africa and had a very important production of wood, cattle, and stones such as Diorite, Nubia itself was characterized by force used by the kings in the police and other business.
Punt: It is from the southern country and is due to its importance to the need of Egypt's resources of perfume, colors and age of the elephant and the skin of leopards and ostriches feathers and all this was available in that country, and despite the difficulty of access to the country of Punt, but the Egyptian was able to access them despite the difficulty of the road and the hardships of travel We have heard about Such trips are in the era of King Sahera of the Fifth Dynasty along with other trips.
We have heard from the reign of King Sinfro of the Fourth Dynasty about sending forty ships to bring cedar wood, as well as know another journey from the reign of King Sahur Of the fifth family.
Cyprus and Crete and brought the Egyptian olive oil, wine and some wood and perhaps there are some Egyptian communities have established in that region and the people of Crete were coming to Egypt to bring their products, so we see that Egypt's relations were all for the purpose of trade, and ended the era of the old state every civilized demonstration to fall Egypt in the era of the first transition prey to the internal turmoil and the social revolution that pervaded the entire country and stops the wheel of production and cultural progress for a period of history.
Tags: arcade periodHistory
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