Silhouette, Drawing, Outline, Egypt

Divided into :
1 - Chapter I: Means of knowledge of legal systems in ancient Egypt
- The sources that historians have approved for the old legal systems are:
Documents written
2 - Symbol inscribed (statues, pyramids and stones)
Our knowledge of the old legal systems is:
1 - We have reached the books written by Roman and Greek historians about Egypt, which provides us with a degree of legal knowledge and examples of historians:
1 - Greek Herodotus:
Herodotus examined Egyptians' customs and traditions, and some of them called the father of history, while others called him the most legendary of his writings.
2 - Diodore Skalli:
He analyzed the political, social and religious conditions of the old Egyptian, but he was more objective, although he sometimes made mistakes
3 - Egyptian priest Maniton:
He lived in the era of Ptolemy II and wrote about the social and political life in the era of the Pharaohs and the most important thing he did:
1 - A book containing three parts billion and novels in ancient Egyptian and Greek languages
2 - arranged the families of Pharaonic thirty and attributed the whole family to a country or capital
But none of these writings came to us in the library of Alexandria, and this priest is also accused of leaning towards mythology
2 - the effects of paintings and papyrus and inscriptions on the walls in the temples and pyramids and stones:
1 - Papyrus:
1 - Papyrus Hakim Ibor:
He gave us a description of the period of deterioration of the country until the end of the tenth Dynasty
2 - Nefruh Papyrus:
Is to explain the effects of the popular revolution and is preserved in the Museum of Leningrad in Russia and some see it was written at the beginning of the eleventh family and see others at the beginning of the twelfth family
3 - Peasant Peasant Papyrus:
This papyrus calls for the lifting of injustice and the establishment of justice. Historians see that there is a relationship between the peasant and Jean Jacques Rousseau
4. The Turin Papyrus:
It was written in the reign of Ramses II (one of the kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty) and the names of the kings of Egypt and the incidents and facts in their era
2 - Texts engraved on the temples and pyramids:
1 - Yarmouk stone (Saqlih):
On this stone the names of kings since the beginning of pharaonic history and some see that it was written in the late fifth or early sixth and part of this stone in the museum and the other part of the Egyptian Museum
2 - texts of the pyramids:
Is an expression of religious texts inscribed on the walls of five pyramids of Sakkara and dating back to the end of the fifth and mid-sixth
3 - List Karnak:
It was found in one of the rooms of the Karnak temple, with the names of one and sixty pharaohs set up by Thutmose III and moved to the Louvre Museum
4 - Abidus painting:
It was found in Madaba City I (one of the kings of the nineteenth fastest) and the names of six and seventy Pharaohs to Egypt and what this painting is found and called the painting ancestors
3 - Documents for transactions between individuals in ancient Egypt:
Is the most accurate source of Pharaonic law and is a number of models of contracts and the old actions that were concluded and found on the stones as the sale of the house in Giza during the reign of King Khufu (the fourth family)
4 - Royal decrees and regulations:
1 - Pharaoh king was collecting the legislative and executive and judicial authorities and the king issued a number of decrees with limited purpose, such as exemption from the burdens and burdens of the people and the determination of the punishment of those who violate it, such as the decree of King Navarrekara (fifth family) to exempt the priests of the Temple of Osiris from the performance of tax and punishment for In contrast, the decree of King Hor Hobb was for a varied and non-religious purpose as a Nefarikar decree. The decree was found on a stone in Karnak. This decree was designed to eliminate the disorder that led to the Akhenaton religious revolution. It included two sets of rulings, which are important in criminalization, Related to the law General, such as the pharaoh's relationship with the army, the reorganization of the local councils and the celebrations of the court
2 - Legal regulations and groups:
The god Thoth is the inventor of the book since the fifth millennium BC (1005). Dioder Saqli says that he invented legal codification like the Persian king Dara I. The question was raised (did Egypt know the legalization of the law?), But the answer is clear but Egypt knew legal groups such as the decrees under supervision Minister at Horus Grand Hall (Dar Al Adala) for your reference when necessary
In fact, Egypt has known several regulations, the most important of which are:
The group of the gods of Thoth, the group of Pocchores, which Desor Skalli describes as "wise wise" because it is due to all the laws relating to sovereignty, the Amazes group, which Desor Sicily described as issuing decrees relating to the internal bond
But we did not reach any of these codes, but we learned from the writings of ancient historians
- The French scientist Champillion is credited with deciphering the Rosetta Stone, found in 1799
Chapter II
Aristotelian theory, which is the theory of the Greek philosophic Aristotle, says that any human society that passes through three political stages begins in the absolute royal form. The king controls the three powers (legislative, executive and judicial) and the second stage,
On power and then at the end of the stage of the Democratic Republic

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