Pyramids, Egypt, Building

Pyramid, is a geometric form of many surfaces, one of which is a polygon called the base of the pyramid, and the pyramid resulting from connecting the corners of a quadrilateral or triangular base with a single point called the top, and the monthly shape of the base is the square base.

Another definition: The pyramid is a regular polygon whose base is a regular polygon, whose head is tethered to a point outside the base so that if we take a column from this point it meets with the junction point of the base diameters.

The regular pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon and its sides make equal angles with its base.

Calculates the size of the pyramid in mathematics according to the relationship:

Size = Base Area × Height
Where the height is the length of the line projected vertically from the top to the base (or extension).
[Edit] Pyramid buildings

Pyramids of EgyptThe pyramid buildings spread in many parts of the world, in Egypt, Mexico and South America and the oldest of these pyramids pyramid Zoser, built in 2800 BC.

The pyramids in Egypt, 90-100 pyramid, were built in one straight line, extending from Abu Rawash in Giza to Hawara on the outskirts of Fayoum, royal buildings built by the ancient Egyptians from 2630 BC. Until 1530 BC. It was built from a hierarchical pyramid, like the pyramid of King Zoser (3630 BC - 2611 BC), in Sakkara to a pyramid drawn like the pyramids of Giza. King Khufu built the Great Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

The Egyptian pyramids were tombs of kings and queens, and the temples were built next to them to help the priests the royal spirit to later live.

In the Old Kingdom (2585 BC - 2134 BC) Egyptian artists were engraved in hieroglyphics on the walls of the burial chamber of the royal mummy. These texts were instructions and hymns that they recited in front of the gods and used to guard him in his passage beyond life. (Pyramid Texts). During the era of this ancient kingdom the great pyramids were built of stone, but with the passage of time their size decreased, because it was expensive.

This is why we find it in the Middle Kingdom (2630 BC - 1640 BC) built in brick bricks of bricks, and the four pyramids of the pyramids were perpendicular to the four originals (north, south, east and west).

Most of the pyramids were built in the desert west of the Nile so that the sun would fall behind them, because the ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit of the dead king left his body to roam the sky with the sun every day and when the sun sets, the royal spirit returns to the temple to renew itself. The entrances of the pyramids were in the center of the northern façade of the pyramid, and the entrance of the Great Pyramid rises 17 meters above the earth's surface leading to a corridor descending to the King's burial chamber.

The design of the pyramids has changed over time, but its entrance remains to the north, leading to a path that descends downwards and sometimes leads to the king's burial chamber, which was built at a point in the base of the pyramid. Sometimes rooms were set up adjacent to the king's chamber to store his possessions and things to use in his ecclesiastical life. , Which was exposed to looting and theft. The pyramid was built around temples and small pyramids inside a temple for priests and senior state officials, was connected to a port on the Nile River and connected to several channels, and was called the temple of the valley, which was connected to the pyramid long high road and paved to walk, and this route extends from the valley during the desert To the temple of the pyramids called the Temple of the pyramid and was connected to the center of the eastern facade of the pyramid, which included a series of pyramids, including pyramids of the aphids and pyramids of queens, and these pyramids and the minions of small burial places and knows the secret, and had statues representing the (spirit) of the king. The royal pyramids were small and simple and around them were small temples and were intended to bury his beloved wives. King Khufu's pyramid is called the Great Pyramid, which is located in the desert west of Giza in Egypt. Next to it is King Khafra (King of Khufu) and King Munkra (grandson of Khufu). The burial method was started by ancient Egyptians from tombs to the pyramids between 2920 BC. . To the year 2770 BC. Since 2770 BC. - 2649 BC. The kings were buried in the town of Abydos in tombs, which were brick walls above which was a terrace of sand and in 2649 BC. Until 2575 BC. The kings were buried under a mud-brick terrace, but King Zoser, who ruled from 2630 BC. Until 2611 BC. The built pyramid of Saqqara is a square terrace with a large area, topped by terraced terraces. The area consists of 6 terraces and was designed by the architect Amenhotep. then the kings start establishing their Terraces from stones. The first of the sons of a real pyramid was King Sinfero in the town of Dahshur between the year 2465 BC. And 2323 BC. The royal pyramids of Aitem were built well. In the reign of the modern kingdom 1550 BC. - 1070 BC. Its kings were no longer buried in the pyramids and were transferred to burial sites in the Valley of the Kings where their new capital Luxor (Tiba)
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