China, India, Peru, Mexico, Ireland and Bolivia - and even Mississippi in America - have pyramids dating back to pre-Pharaonic times. Under the seawater near the island of Bari (the Bahá'í archipelago) there is a strange civilization with pyramids that are no different from the pyramids of Giza. Only two years ago, satellites discovered huge pyramids in northern China - previously seen as " meaning of. Prior to that, similar pyramids were discovered in Ireland, Venezuela, Chad and northern Khartoum, which in time turned into a plateau.
The participation of several civilizations in the idea of ​​the pyramids may indicate the disappearance of a global civilization (of which we know nothing) that left its mark everywhere. For example, there is a striking match between the pyramids of Mexico and the pyramids of Egypt listed, and there are common legends between the Pharaohs, the Indians of Mexico, Peru and Bolivia. The Indian mythology clearly speaks of sailors who came from the east with pointed beards and swastikas who occupied their country and taught them agriculture and star control (to this day, Depend on a calendar that begins since the arrival of these sailors before 5114 years - a date that is equivalent to the time of the first ruling family in Egypt !!).

All these signs have made some historians assume the emergence of a world-wide civilization in the foot that encompassed most of the globe. This civilization is responsible for spreading the idea of ​​the pyramid - for unknown reasons - in several regions around the world .. Not only that, but there are those who are supposed to have taken control of the globe through four main centers is the Giza Plateau in Egypt, the temples of Angkor in Cambodia, In Mexico, the sunken city under the coast of South Japan (.. !!!).
But there are researchers (less imaginative and more modest) believe that the pyramids scattered around the world originated from the Egyptian sailors themselves. In 1914, for example, Professor M. Gonzalez discovered two pharaonic statues in the Mexican town of Aquigalta, identical to the pharaonic Egyptian model of the features and the way of sitting and wearing the turban. To this day, the Peruvian Indians place a statue of the sun machine at the top of their boats, as do the ancient Egyptians. In the Incas temples in Peru there are drawings showing boats made of papyrus (a paper that grows around the Nile) led by sailors wearing pharaohs !!

A remarkable book, "Voyages of the Pyramid Builders," traces the journeys of ancient Egyptians and claims that they arrived in India, China and Latin America. The author, Robert McNealy, says the ancient Egyptians arrived in India and Southeast Asia and found their writings in Indonesia and Australia. In the province of New South Wales (specifically Hunter Falley Reserve) there are hieroglyphic inscriptions carved on the rock 5,000 years ago. It was translated by Paul White (Egyptology expert at the University of Sydney) as a memorial poem in which an Egyptian sailor speaks of his arrival as a "mistake" to this land !! .

In the West, Dr. Thompson Jenner (in the eighth issue of Ancient America 1995) reviewed sites where pharaonic statues and writings were found in Latin and Central America. In 1990, an archaeologist named Jerzoui - an Egyptian of origin - published a book entitled "Ramses III governs America" ​​in which he monitored many sites including hieroglyphic inscriptions in South America and the states of Mississippi and Colorado .. !!
- Still, the question remains:
What is the significance of the pyramid itself !? What do ancient civilizations know about this form and are ignorant of us !? And how do different civilizations share the same idea - if they do not link?

Tags: discoveriesMagic and Mysteries
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