• 250 thousand years BC. In prehistoric times, Egypt 
• 25 thousand years BC. The first Egyptian civilization in the Upper Badari region was founded on agriculture, hunting, breeding of birds and livestock, pottery and mining.
• In the year 4000 BC. Irrigation systems emerged and Egypt became small tribal kingdoms. The tribal face symbolized the white crown and the sea face, symbolizing the red crown and the unification of King Mina from the south of the two continents since 3200 BC and the capital of Memphis. And this unification made Egypt a safe country and its capital Memphis, which made it the cornerstone and the beginning of human civilization undisputed and this is evident through the many records maintained by the dry environment to be a message saved through the successive times and engraved on the walls of great Ovaldh and the writing of Papyrus papyrus.
There is a precise history of the march of this nation through the times and centuries, we find, such as that written by Manito in the Ptolemaic era:
• The division of the history of Egypt for thirty families until the entry of Alexander the Great Egypt, and this date has gaps in which overlooked the periods of rule of many rulers of Egypt. See: Manito.
• The ruler of Egypt has been giving him the divinity since the unification of Egypt 3200 years BC. Until the Romans entered Egypt, he was called Pharaoh.
• 2772 BC. M. Egyptians knew that calendar year 365 days.
• 2700 BC. King Zoser built his pyramid pyramid.
• 2560 BC. King Khufu built the Great Pyramid, which remained the highest building in the world until the 19th century.
• 2050 BC During the Central State of Egypt, Tiba became the capital of Egypt.
• 2000 BC. Egypt nursed cats to hunt snakes and progress in the astronomy and predict the flood.
• 1786 BC. The Hyksos, who came to Egypt as merchants and workers in the previous turbulent century, occupy northern Egypt and bring the horse and wheel and their powerful influence because of internal problems in Egypt.
• 1600 BC. A revolution against the Hyksos in Upper Egypt spread throughout Egypt.
• 1560 BC. Ahmus expelled the Hyksos and other Asian tribes, founders of the modern state and Egypt became a colonial state and have introduced the art of the war of the Hyksos in the army and reached the Upper Euphrates.
• 1560 - 1259 BC Moses and the Jews exited with the remnants of the Hyksos and Asians from Egypt.

• 1500 BC. Use Shadouf.
• 1375 BC. The call of monotheism, Akhenaten, and the transfer of the capital from the city of Taib al-Amarna and the prohibition of worshiping the sun
• 750 BC. King Kashta king of Nubia takes over Egypt and becomes Pharaoh by them.
• 671 BC. Assyrians defeat Egypt.
• 661 BC. The Assyrian Empire is shrinking and Egypt becomes independent for a century.
• 525 BC. Persians invaded Egypt and ruled it for the year 405 BC.
• 343 BC. Persians rule Egypt again until 332 BC.
• 332 BC. Alexander the great invades Egypt and establish Alexandria.
• 305 BC. Beginning of Ptolemaic rule.
• 30 BC. Cleopatra committed suicide - the end of the rule of the Ptolemaic and the beginning of Roman rule.
• 330 AD The Roman Byzantines ruled Egypt.
• 639 AD Islam entered Egypt 20 years after its appearance in Mecca.
The civilization of the ancient Egyptians was not a civilized vanguard in the age of time. Because their civilization was unique in its cultural qualities and its great achievements and originality. This is what gave it the credibility of originality among all civilizations. Making it the mother of the civilizations of the world undisputed. This civilization is more sedentary and famous among the civilizations of the oldest. The ancient Egyptians Civilization along the Nile in northeastern Africa since 5000 BC. To the year 30 BC. . It is the longest ancient civilization in the ancient world. The ancient Egyptian civilization means geographically the culture that originated in the valley and the Nile Delta where ancient Egyptians lived. Culturally speaking, the word "civilization" refers to their language, worship, customs, organization of their lives, management of their life and administrative affairs, their concept of nature around them, and their dealing with neighboring peoples.
The river Nile, which is surrounded by the ancient civilization of the Egyptians in the spring from the plateaus of Abyssinia in eastern Africa and the sources of the Nile in southern Sudan, heading from Sudan to the north of Egypt to come flooding every year to soil with mud. This natural flood phenomenon has made Egypt's economy in a renewed sleep, relying mainly on agriculture. The emergence of civilization also helped to free the skies from the clouds and the brightness of the sun supervising almost all year to provide the ancient Egyptians warmth and light. Egypt is also protected from the desert neighbors to the west and the sea from the north and east and the presence of waterfalls (Janadil) south Nubia on the Nile, making it a semi-deserted land. In this land, two of the seven wonders of the world appeared. They are the pyramids of Giza and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Nabata was the oldest archaeological site in Nubia. Six thousand years ago, a pastoral area where the summer rains had been razed by cattle until 4899 years when the rain had receded. It was discovered by stone circles. The area has been inhabited by population groups, including a village that supplied 18 wells with water under the roof of large Megholithic building slabs, a statue resembling a cow sculpted from a large rock. and the village was consisting of 18 houses. It has many burial grounds for livestock where its structures were found in mud rooms. This indicates that people were worship cows . Found stoves were used. Deer bones, wild rabbits, earthenware, and ostrich eggs. But there are no landfills or human remains in a plant. This indicates that the nomads were nomads who came to plant every summer where water and grassland. And marriage, trade and the establishment of religious rituals.
In the field of astronomy we find that the ancient Egyptians had established the oldest observatory in the world and before the era of building pyramids for a period of time according to the sun and stars where they set up the stone evidence Megaliths Megaliths. It is a circle of stone erected 7000 years ago in the southern desert of Egypt. Before setting up the sites of the Milligliths in England, Britain and Europe in a thousand years as the famous site Stonehenge.
The plant site was discovered several years ago and consists of a small stone circle. It has the bones of cattle and five lines of slanting stones and slabs of stone, which were revealed tilted a mile from the site and some of them at a height of 9 feet. Each slab buried soil over a flat rock. This site is heading for the four cardinal points and determines the solar equinox. There is a small stone circle with the bones of the cattle and five lines of slanted megoliths. The site was built on the shore of a lake that collects rainwater in summer time. Where the herds of cattle were led to a plant in the Neolithic period 10,000 years ago. The nomadic herdsmen came to her in a rainy season until 4800 years ago when the monsoons receded towards southern Ghalab to become barren. This small 12-foot circle consisted of four sets of existing tiles where the horizon could be seen. Two groups were going north and south, and the other two groups were headed towards the horizon of the summer solar equinox. After 2,000 years, they migrated to the Nile Valley and established the ancient Egyptian civilization, especially after the encroachment of this pastoral region and the change of its climate. They settled in 4000 BC. In Upper Egypt, especially in ancient Nikhn, Naqada and Abidus (see Badari). This spatial stability made the ancient Egyptians create their civilization and civilization on their land. They created science, literature, traditions, customs, writings, stories and legends, and left behind them frescoes and manuscripts on papyrus to root this innovative civilization. they build huge buildings such as pyramids and temples which challenge the time. As well as manuscripts, drawings, engravings and color images, which have remained until today.
And they treated the papyrus plant to make him thin and wrote on their history and their sciences and customs and traditions to be a message to their grandchildren and to the whole world. They wrote on it in hieroglyphics, a graphic writing in which the symbol expresses a known image. They invented concepts in arithmetic and engineering, studied medicine and dentistry, and made a calendar for them according to their observations of the sun and the stars. Although the ancient Egyptians worshiped many gods, the call for divine unification appeared at the hands of King Akhenaten *** ideologically. They are also the first to be portrayed as the creator of the doctrine of Akkarian life. 
Agriculture began in the town of Badari six thousand five thousand BC. Palyoum was a settler who grew up 1,000 years before the Badari. The city of Mermaid in the Delta on its western border since 4500 BC. In the city of Bhutto emerged pottery industry is different from pottery in Upper Egypt. There was a difference between the ancient Egyptians between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt in the creed and the method of burying the dead and the architecture. King Mena in 3100 BC. And the two countries (Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt). He placed the white crowns on his head symbolizing the tribal and red face of the sea face. King Memphis made the unified capital and was located west of the Nile at Giza and Abidus the royal cemetery which moved to Saqqara during the era of the Old Kingdom. See: Pyramids. The number of the population of Egypt before the age of the families (5000 BC - 3000 BC.), Not hundreds of thousands and during the ancient Kingdom (2575 BC - 2134 BC), the number of 2 million people and the Middle Kingdom (2040 BC - 1640 BC) The number increased and during the modern Kingdom (1550 BC - 1070 BC) the number of people reached 3-4 million. In the Hellenic period (332 BC - 30 BC) the number was 7 million. after so Egypt entered the Romanian era . The Egyptians were near the river. Because it is an agricultural community and Memphis and Tina were important centers when they were both capital. Education and writing were independent in ancient Egypt, and writing and reading were limited to a small percentage of the ruling elites or clerks in the administrative apparatus. The sons of the royal family and the ruling elite were learning at the palace. And the rest of the people were learning in the schools of temples or Almnazul. and the girls study was only writing and reading at home. And the teachers were strict and they used hitting . The school kiosks were taught to read, write and write letters and other texts. The manuscripts were kept in the House of Life, which is the house of preservation in each temple and is similar to the library. Learners in ancient Egypt studied arithmetic, geometry, fractures, assembly and medicine. I found books in internal medicine, surgery, pharmacotherapy, veterinary medicine, and dentistry. All books were copied, including books of literature and religious texts.
The Rosetta stone was discovered in 1799 during the French campaign and was engraved in 196 BC. Thus, the three languages of the Hieroglyphic and Demotic (Coptic and the modern language of the ancient Egyptians) and Greek. And when it was discovered, it was an unexplainable linguistic mystery for hundreds of years . Because the first two languages were at the time of the dead languages . Until French scientist Gian Francois Champollion came to interpret these languages after comparing them with Greek and other hieroglyphic texts. This indicates that these languages were prevalent during the Greek Ptolemaic rule of Egypt for more than 150 years. Hieroglyphics were a religious language used in temples and demotic language. The language of popular and Greek writing was the language of the Greek rulers. The content of the writing was a tribute to Pharaoh Egypt and his good achievements to the priests and the people of Egypt. And was written by the priests to read by the public and private of the senior Egyptians and the ruling class. Champollion decoded the hieroglyphics in 1822 to open the horizons to identify the ancient Egyptian civilization and to decipher its mysteries and translate its sciences after reviving their language after its propensity through the centuries. The hieroglyphics were studied by all who wanted to study the science of Egyptology. Then developed hieroglyphic Heratkip then Dimutkip then to the Coptic .
The ancient Egyptians had their calendar from an early stage and depended on their observations of the sun, the stars in heaven and the times of the Nile flood each year. They used their calendars to record historical events, schedule their festivals, and chronicle royal decisions. The first attempt was made to make the calendar of 8000 BC. When he made the stone circles (see: Avery, Westonhang) in the corner of the far south-west of Egypt at present. They were used to observe stars and their movements. Divide the day 24 hours (12 days and 12 nights) and the week 10 days and the month 3 weeks or 30 days. And the year is 12 months. and it was divided to three season and in every season there are 4 months . The year was equivalent 360 days . The ancient Egyptians added five days later each of these five days to mark the birthday of God. And this year will be a full Pharaonic 365 days. It is almost similar to the current solar year except for the quarter-day difference in each solar year and they did not know the addition of a day every 4 years.
Ancient Egyptians glorified the world's innovative and stunning creative works, both in embalming, music, sculpture, literature, painting, architecture and drama. After the unification of the days of the building became a religious creed has formal features of pluralism in the gods and gods and the environment has an impact on the religious thought and worship Pharaonic where the gods took forms of human or animal or a mixture of them. These forms are embodied by the ancient Egyptians, the forces of nature and their elements. They synthesize the myths and stories about their gods and their world to understand the complex interference in the universe around them. The religious faith played a large role in their lives and had an impact on their arts and on their thinking about the life of the Akharism and the idea of Baath and Assyria and their relations with their rulers. The art was the sculpture and drawing in bilateral dimensions on the walls of temples, tombs, coffins of dead and coffins of dead and papyrus. The Egyptian artists were painting the personal images with their expressive features. The time and space in these images reflected the cholodemen during the hieroglyphic drawings that accompany them and form part of the wonderful work of art. The owner of the statue is placed on the name of the rule or next to it .
And the pyramids we find reflect the greatness of the architecture of the ancient Egyptians. These monumental oases are tombs with four triangular walls converging at a point at the summit. They represent the primitive hill, the origin of life in the legends of creation, or represent the strong rays of the sun. They built about 100 pyramids as a sanctuary and a rest home for their rulers after death.
Tags: arcade periodHistory
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