king Khafra 

After taking over the rule of Ra and the rule of twenty-five years or more and returned to the rest of the family of the ruling family and we do not know unfortunately of what was in the era of construction projects or the efforts of the war is little and we know of his reign only two things:
The first: that the title of a new king appeared in his reign and he (hurried) (son of Ra) (son of the sun).
Second: the effects of architecture and sculpture that lagged behind his reign indicate that art has made great strides during his reign.
The new royal title (quick) was first shown here, the first time the king hastened his sons to the god Ra and then became a fixed year after his reign and was completed with these five royal titles. The pharaoh therefore wanted to ascend the throne at the will of the sun god and delegate From him and perhaps wished him to be blessed by his name and to write to him like his time, even during his second life.
In terms of architecture, Khafra built a large pyramid like the pyramid of his father Khufu. He chose the plateau himself and a little to his father's side.
It was associated with the reign of the Sphinx of the Sphinx and was originally a rocky stone block that faced the ascending path between the funerary temple and the valley of the valley of Lefre. The artists thought of changing its shape. They turned this rock into a statue of a lion, a symbol of the monarchy and a human head with a royal headdress. Khafra himself did not happen to be a king of the kings of the ancient state or other has imitated this huge statue.
And know that Khafra married the daughter of his brother Kauab Muras Ankh III, and took over the throne two of the branch Malakan are Jdav Hawz and Bauf Ra but do not know about their rule anything, then took the throne after Mnkawra Ibn Khafra.
And began after a few years of his rule a new period in the history of his family differed in the possibilities and sizes of its architecture and the relations of its rulers governed by the previous period that ended by the rule of Khafre, and spread a few years in the era of Mnkawra, and built Mnkoreh pyramid on the plateau itself and now rise about 62 or 66 meters, Pyramid father and grandfather.
Munkawra era also characterized that it prepared for the greatest individuals of wealth and the freedom to dispose of their graves more than they prepared for them and their predecessors during the reign of King Khufu and Khafra, so they increased their statues in the tombs and increased their inscriptions and their views on the walls and devised a new year Khafra open his palace to the children of his close associates of senior officials and entrusted to educate them The elders of the palace with his children, so that they might be faithful to his court.
He ruled for more than 21 years and was succeeded by his son, Chapskav, who ruled for only four years and built a graveyard in the south of Sakkara in the form of a large terrace called the Pharaoh's Tabernacle. He then inherited the throne in his family to Princess Khantkaus, She may have been the eldest daughter of Menkaure and a sister of Chbeskav and married a man and a kar and gave him the right to ascend the throne.
Fifth Dynasty: Age of piety and well-being (25602420 BC).
* Characteristics of the Fifth Dynasty:
The fifth age of the family is considered to be the beginning of a new era.
1 widened the horizons of the religion of the sun and included the matters of the world and the Hereafter.
2 The art of architecture, sculpture, photography and engraving reached a high degree of sophistication.
3 Egypt resumed extensive foreign trade links with Phenicia in its northeast and Punt in its southeast.
The new family has brought together two branches of the fourth major competing family:
- Khafra branch represented by Khantkaus.
The branch of Jadaf Ra, who was represented by Usrkaf and achieved harmony between them by the marriage of Khantkaus of Osrkav who declared himself king of the country and was then fifty years or more but did not stay on the throne for more than seven years and do not know anything about the events that took place during his rule, Horma is just a little north of the pyramid of a bridge and is called the Scrabble Pyramid.
- The names of the kings of this family are nine kings (Sura Kaf - Saho Ra - Nefirkark - Shbsarker - Raaf - Ne Orser - Mnaku Hor - Jdakar - and Nice (or Onas).
As we see that most of the names of the kings of this family overlap the name of Ra in the actual names of six of them and it is evident from this that the worship of the sun god Ra has become of great importance; because the origin of the family was from Aiono.
Perhaps the priests of this city have contributed to the seizure of power by the family of these kings, and since the beginning of this age, the kings of the fifth family of the new year is to pay tribute to each king worshiped the sun god Ra and continued this year throughout the Fifth Dynasty and disappeared after.
We see here the influence of the sun religion in architecture and in the temples and began and Sarkaf this year built a modest temple in Abu Gharab south of Giza, but was modest of milk and did not build in the region of Ain Shams and do not know why.
He built a pyramid in the area between the pyramids of Giza and Saqqara. He also built two temples in the area and we know of the remains of the inscriptions that covered the walls of my temples. And the road linking them to much of the activity of this king, especially in the field of war, as he defeated the Libyan tribes that attacked Egypt from the west and attacked the Delta, and sent his campaign to Sinai to discipline the Bedouin tribes working on looting, and sent a campaign to the south for the purpose of discipline The Negroes We also know from a stone of Palermo that he sent a campaign to the country of Punt and that the campaign returned with many quantities of incense, gold and ebony. Thus, Egypt emerged from its isolation and its contacts returned to the outside world
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