Egypt, Sahara, Desert, Dry, Camels

The reign of the two families was 420 years, and their property was the city of Tina, after King Narmer Mina unified the Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, namely the Delta and the Upper and the meaning of the word Meena, the founder or the immortal, and reminds us of some historical sources that he himself may be King Scorpio. which indicate the presence of the king and established the unity of Egypt is a board slate, which was found in the area Harakounboles "old southern capital."

If we look at this painting, we see the name of King Narmer in the front of the royal palace. If we look at the sides of the arduous plank above, we see two hieroglyphs representing Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty of the ancient Egyptians, and their presence in the painting represents the religious protection of the king. In the form of the white crown "Hadjat", which represents the south in Upper Egypt and other times wearing the red crown "Darsher", which represents the north in the delta and was designed later a double crown combines these two crowns together in one crown, "Skhm T" We can not explain here or painting King "Narmer" but that concerns us from this palette is to unite "prevent Over "the land of Egypt, North and South two sections Delta and Upper.

The information about these two families is few, but we know that the kings of these two families were powerful and very strong. Egypt progressed in their era, and the architecture and commerce grew between Egypt and neighboring countries such as the Arabian Peninsula.
Tags: arcade periodHistory
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