Sarcophagus, Egypt, Egyptian

Are not the pharaohs who reached the hidden cosmic sciences and medical sciences still under scientific research now?

I do not rule out that 1400 years ago there is science as our science according to the possibilities and proof of that pharaonic science that was not decoded until 2009

How can it be miraculous, and there are those who reached a greater knowledge of 1400 years ago?

We start with the mystery of mummification and its stages:

Mummification is one of the manifestations of progress in ancient Egyptian civilization and shows how far it has come to understand the many mysteries of the secrets of the world and the amount of ammunition correctly obtained from scientific knowledge accurate and correct
The secrets of embalming remained a mystery buried with the ancient Egyptian. Modern science has not yet been able to know the secret behind the survival of these bodies thousands of years ago, and despite the claim of all this modern scientific revolution in various sciences, they have not yet been able to mummify his body remain stuffed as the bodies of the Pharaohs remained in our hands right Now

The ancient Egyptian interest in embalming stems from their belief in the return of the soul

*** Evolution of mummification **

Since prehistoric times, the Egyptians buried their dead in superficial, shallow graves - where the body touches the layer of hot, sun - exposed sand - thus absorbing the fluid from the body and preventing the growth of microbes that decompose the body so that the body remains long -
Gradually, when the Egyptian saw that the fish remains intact if dried and if the salt and if removed from the bottoms, it tends to lay the foundations of embalming and depends on the drying of the body of moisture and salinity
When knowledge progressed in medicine and chemistry, the priests reached the primary means for embalming, such as gum, resin, and nitrone.

** Description of Herodotus for mummification methods **

Herodotus mentioned two ways:
Method 1:
Remove some of the brain from the nostrils - nose - with a piece of iron swag (hooks) and others come out by injecting special drugs pour into the head
2- Body:
The body is cracked with a sharp Ethiopian stone, they take out the whole container and wash it with the wine of dates. Then they fill the hollow with pure powder, Chinese house, perfume of the herb and all kinds of good except incense, and then sew it again.
3 - and then the body is covered with 70 minutes and this is enough to remove the layer of flesh and remains of the body other than the layer of skin and bones and muscle
4. At the end of the 70 days wash the body and wrap it with strips of transparent linen coated with gum

Method 2:
1- Head:
As in the first method
2- Body:
The body is injected through the anus with pine oil to fill the cavity ((the body opens the abdomen or extraction of the bowels)) and then block the anus so that the oil does not come out
3- Then the body is salted by covering it with a full pan for seventy days, which eats the meat and leaves the layer of skin, bones and muscle.
4- At the end of this period, the oil shall be removed from the body and it shall come out after it has been dissolved and analyzed
5. The body was then damaged by sterile and transparent linen

** Explanation stages of embalming **

The following steps can be summarized as follows:

1 - extraction of the brain from the skull suction through the nose using chisel and hammer to cut through the wall of the nose and then pull the brain through the opening of the nose with a pipe heated and sterile
2 - extraction of all the organs of the body except the heart ((center of soul and emotion)) and thus does not remain in the body any soft material rotting bacteria either open or injected pine oil into the intestines through the anus
3 - dictate the cavity of the chest and abdomen with the solution of Natron and rolls of linen saturated with resin and perfume, which are all materials can not be the center of decomposition and rotting bacteria
4- Drying the body by placing it in dry natron salt to extract each atom of water in it and extract the fat and dry the tissue completely
5 - Coating the body with liquid resin to fill all the pores of the skin and to be a barrier to moisture and an antidote to microorganisms and insects in various circumstances, even if the body was placed in the water or left in the open
6 - In one of the advanced stages of the modern state has been placed sand under the skin between him and the muscle layer through holes in various parts of the body so that the sides appear full and does not show any slouch in the skin
7. Use beeswax to close the nose, eyes, mouth and abdominal area
8 - coloring lips and cheeks cosmetics
9. The mummy is wrapped with many lattice lattices that may be hundreds of meters in diameter and are coated with resin. They are colored with red iron oxide (red sediment), including beeswax as adhesive

** Modern science explains embalming **

It is known that when a person dies, his vital functions cease and the metabolism ceases and the body becomes a corpse that begins to decompose and rot quickly to the first organic state of the body
Rotation is the degradation of organic nitrogenous substances by microorganisms
Modern science has shown that the process of rotting and decomposition can be stopped in two ways:
Either by killing microbes with chemicals
Or prevent it from growing and multiplying on the body by depriving it of water and moisture. This is done by drying and isolating from moisture
The old Egyptian succeeded in doing so where:
The chemical basis on which embalming is based is the process of saponifcation. The interaction of natron salt with body fat leads to the formation of glycerin + soap. Glycerin and soap are known as a chemical medium that is not suitable for the growth of microbes or insects. Glycerin is also useful in adding softness to the texture. Skin
As well as the presence of herbal composition inside the cavities and composed of herbs with aromatic odors repelling microbes and insects, which discovered the effect and confirmed by modern science.
Some different secrets:

A collection of miracles and scientific miracles proved by a group of scholars
Doctors, researchers, archaeologists and thinkers. They all want a solution
Find him or know about the history of the great Pharaohs ..

And do not find him an explanation !!!!!!!!!!.

- was the beginning of Dr. Adel Imam, professor of heart, he said:
Show you a picture of the wall of one of the temples depicting the sperm
And next to the egg, and then split the egg to two .. Then four, did I have
Our ancestors .. Microscope ?? Especially since four hundred million sperm can
Put it in the needle pin head !! This is a scientific mystery that I can not explain.

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cairo, said:
Sure, they got the lens and thus the microscope. They got the fiber
Each with a diameter of one head.
How did these great scholars reach this knowledge from their knowledge? This is the mystery of Mknoun and the mystery of the burial.
You must search for it.

Wally, every professor and doctor who works in surgeries of prosthetic organs give him the following:

British scientific circles have pointed to evidence of ancient Egyptians
By surgically removing the limbs and placing the compensatory limbs in place of the appendix, the magazine says
Lancet Medical British discovery of a finger is not real body of one of the mummies
The Egyptian reveals the extent to which ancient Egyptian medicine has been found
The finger is made with great care, while a scientific team examines human remains
In a cemetery in the Luxor region in Upper Egypt.
The team says the mummy - likely to be from the family 21 or 22
Which ruled Egypt from 1065 BC to 740 BC
For a woman who was between fifty and fifty-five years old,
It turned out that the woman had lost one of the fingers of her right leg,
Possibly due to surgery to remove it.

The scientists came to this conclusion after making sure they had a skin layer
Thin has grown in the place of the finger finger.

And we complement it later
With the second part
I am a person with my own philosophy and my purely personal point of view
I am convinced of the idea and I do not acquire it and I reject absolute inevitability
I only believe in the past I have lived and the present I live in
I have no proof of what is happening anymore

the teeth

The study of one of the Pharaonic pharyngeal found that the pharaonic doctor installed two years together gold wire to restore the teeth to place and save from falling, which is known in our time as "re-planting"

The first telescope known history

The first telescope known to the world known as "Mrakht" was at the hands of the Pharaohs and in the Berlin Museum there is a telescope dating to the family of the twenty-eighth and despite the scientific progress, which some believe it is enormous, but the details of the pharaonic telescope found the same design telescopes in our time and this telescope already Pharaohs world In the study of the movement of celestial bodies a deep study on the accurate and systematic observation

Did the Pharaohs know uranium?

The atomic scientist Luis Pellegrini said he believed that the ancient Egyptians knew the atomic decomposition and uranium was one of the issues known to their priests and rulers
The mechanical and metal analysis of the sandstone samples extracted from the corridor leading to the royal chamber in the pyramid of Khufu in 1986 to contain these sand "specifically" on the proportion of heavy metals and some of the ratio of 7.7% and this gives two possibilities:
1. The pharaohs used the uranium "and of course the necessary special settings"
2. Either they separated the uranium from the sand "and this indicates that the Pharaohs deliberately prepared the sand in particular and the process of separation"

Tags: Sciences
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