Sources of Ancient Egyptian History

Egypt, Holiday, Sun, Tourism, Pharaoh

What the ancient Egyptians left with movable or fixed effects:
There is no doubt that the legacy of the ancient Egyptians is considered to be a trait
The ancient Egyptians recorded some of their past in various documents; kings often recorded events and events of particular interest from their point of view, and dignitaries and individuals chronicled their lives in inscriptions on the walls of their tombs or Among the most important Egyptian works are the following:
1 Stone Palermo:
The oldest historical Egyptian document that was left behind by the Egyptians, appears to be originally a text of diruvite engraved in both hieroglyphs and hieroglyphics; it records the names of kings from the pre-family era to the fifth Dynasty.
And the height of about 70 cm, and about two meters long, has been broken this stone and left only six pieces, the largest and most important is now preserved in the Museum of the city of Palermo in Sicily, and the rest of the pieces there are four in the Egyptian Museum and one in London.

2 List of Karnak:

It was engraved by King Tuthmosis the Third, one of the eighteenth kings on its walls, with a list of 61 monarchs, now in the Louvre.

3 List of Saqqara:

It is preserved in the Egyptian Museum and originally contained the names of 58 other kings, Ramses II.

4 Torino Papyrus:

The most important Egyptian document is the whale of the names of the pharaohs. It originally consisted of more than 300 kings and was written during the 18th Dynasty and is said to have been originally found in Memphis and in modern times moved to the Turin Museum in Italy. Unfortunately, many parts were lost and in very poor condition.

5 Maniton History:

One of the Egyptian priests who experienced Ptolemy II and attributed to the town of Samannoud and appear to have been knowledgeable about the history of Egypt, he wrote a book in the history of Egypt commissioned by Ptolemy II in Greek.
He certainly derived his information from authentic Egyptian sources and documents, which were kept in the libraries of the temples and the houses of documents. His book was lost in the fire of Alexandria and we knew nothing about it except by extracts from some historians such as Joseph the Jew and Africanus.
Maniton is credited with dividing Egyptian history into thirty families from King Mena until the invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great.
Second: What we have to study the civilizations of the ancient countries of the ancient East:

Such as the Babylonian, Assyrian, Assyrian and other civilizations, which are of limited importance in general. The Egyptians have contacted other neighboring peoples since the beginning of their history. The international frictions were related to writing about Egypt, its history and ancient civilization. Its peoples contacted the Egyptian people directly or indirectly, Common to help understand this ancient history because it was carrying certain views may have been hostile.
And thus must be taken as mere evidence and treated with all caution and caution.
Third: What the Greek and Roman travelers wrote:

The Greek travelers began to come to Egypt from the 6th century BC and since then their delegations have not stopped and wandered in some places. It has written about its geography, the customs and customs of its inhabitants, and part of their religion and history.
Among the most famous:
1 Hickets Millity:

Compared to his Greek counterpart Asia Minor visited Egypt, and is considered the first visited by the Greek travelers and it was 520 BC. M, put a book on it, it was said that Herodot quoted some of his writing.

2 Herodotus:
Is the famous Greek historian who was named Abu history. Herodotus wrote about Egypt in the second part of his general book in history, in which he spoke about some of its geography and historical events. Herodotus recorded everything that he heard without scrutiny, and his book came together for many facts alongside many lies.
3 Hickat al-'Emidri:

He wrote a book about Egypt in general and his writing was expanded in a spirit of bias towards his country.
4 Diodore Skelli:

Egypt visited about 59 BC. M, put the first part of his book in the history of the world, and talked about the religious beliefs and the Egyptian gods.

His writing was characterized by his reliance on a lot of sources, and his good presentation of the views of his predecessors accurately as well as his tendency to seek the truth.
5 Strabone:

Is the Greek geographical world and has described Egypt and its landmarks in two parts of his book on geography after the Roman and accompanied by Elios Gallus on a trip to Upper Egypt, which allowed
Has the opportunity to see a lot of Egyptian cities and territories and their important effects.
6 Plutarch:

A Roman historian, has written a book entitled Isis and Osiris, as well as books on religious beliefs.
He is one of the most ancient historians of transport.
Caution should be given to these writings for the following reasons:
1 Most of them came to Egypt in the days of weakness and their writings were influenced by the style of their thinking.
2 that they were not aware of the language or history of the country, they relied on the extraction of their information to make the Egyptians and small priests who may not have increased their information about the present and the writings of the Greeks and Romans mixed between the facts and myths.
3 that what they wrote from a foreign point of view may be often neutral and hostile at times.

Therefore, they must take as evidence and examine their scientific value before taking any of them.
Tags: History


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