The high priest of Heliopolis

The acquisition of knowledge and knowledge were the most important conditions that qualify the magician to be entitled to the title (which renews life), and also the title of "who
Live the rituals, or live through the rituals).
The magician in ancient Egypt also bears the title "Khery-Heb", meaning "responsible for the Book of Rituals". He recites the Holy Scriptures with a loud voice so that the words may live and gain strength.
In addition to each of the temples of ancient Egypt, there was a house of life in which priests were trained in the holy rites, so that there is no place in ancient Egypt where there are specialists in science Mawarayat. One of the most important figures in ancient Egypt was the figure of the chief priest of the city "On" (Heliopolis), which was the title of "W - Mao"
"The Great Priest," or "the great beholder to heaven," "who sees the great God." The priest of Heliopolis was "the supreme leader and the discoverer of the secrets of heaven." He is the guardian of the oldest and most important ritual of the universe. As the "magic of light" and its purpose is to protect the system of light in the universe and ensure the movement of the sun in orbit safely and protect it from the forces of chaos and darkness of the snake chaos

Tags: Religion


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