Mummy, Embalming, Egypt, Egyptian

The French doctor Bruno Haliwa, a physician and historian, published a book on "Medicine in the time of the Pharaohs" in which he placed all the familiarities of the ancient Egyptian dealings with illness and the patient, in which he relied on the book "The Papyrus Medical" In Pharaonic Egypt written in 1995 by Thierry Bardini.
Bruno says that knowing the history of medicine is very important in order to understand and understand the problems doctors face in their daily practices. "Professional knowledge alone makes you just a simple technician and a health worker, but only through historical cognition can you grow and mature into a real medical personality," says Liechtenstein.
According to Bruno, interest in ancient Egyptian medicine is due to the great beauty of ancient Egypt, which, he says, is "the mother of Western spiritual traditions." For him, it is enough to "read the ancient Egyptian history so that we can quickly realize the existence of a great civilization and accept it as a gift from generations past before us ... it is Egypt, which is more than 6,000 years old,
This great admiration for Pharaonic Egypt is not new: many ancient philosophers in the West have known and influenced the Egyptian civilization through their stay there and on the banks of their "eternal river". Thus, Egyptian civilization has influenced the thinking of Western philosophers such as Homer, Plato, Pythagoras, Plutarch, Thales, Herodotus, and others. These philosophers were able, through their writings, to establish links between them and the Egyptian civilization, which were cut off after the burning of the Library of Alexandria and the burning of the Egyptian temples by a decision of Emperor Theodos I in 391. Since then, the Egyptian civilization and the hieroglyphic language disappeared for 14 centuries. In that period, the ancient Egyptian civilization entered into a world of total oblivion, and the successive colonization of Egypt destroyed all immortal works, whether architecture or literary, artistic and scientific works.
The ancient Pharaonic civilization remained closed until Champollion discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1822 and was able to translate and reveal the hieroglyphic language, and here the Egyptian civilization was revived again. With the study of pharaonic history, the world discovered the remarkable progress achieved by ancient Egyptians in many fields such as astronomy, architecture, engineering and medicine.
Through the medical documents, the West discovered that the Egyptians, 30 years before Hippocrates, who taught medicine to the West and considered the modern "father of medicine", had ancient Egyptian medicine, which was meticulously documented and organized, and unambiguously influenced, in the medical thought of the Hebrews and Greeks The Romans.
At the end of the nineteenth century, the interest of Egyptian scientists began to increase, especially after the discovery and translation of papyrus, which carries medical information. Although the first discoveries were not specific information, which led to the perception that ancient Egyptian medicine is nothing but a set of magical practices have no scientific basis. Experts at the time debated the importance and value of ancient Egyptian medical information. There were those who saw their importance in understanding the diseases and the way to treat them, and there were those who saw it as mere crap.
However, during the last 30 years of the 19th century, there was a major breakthrough in the science of medicine and in the Egyptian sciences, with a deeper understanding of the hieroglyphic language and the discovery of more documents that would deepen the information that doctors had at that time in the fields of epidemiology, disease sciences and pharmaceutical sciences And healing.
Bruno, a French doctor, says he began to care about ancient Egyptian medicine at a Jewish festival where the 10 Egyptian pests are listed. There, they discovered the absence of a precise answer about the causes of the firstborn's death. This prompted the French doctor to go deeper into the science of medicine in this age. And refuted the claims of many that the ancient Egyptians did not provide knowledge in the field of medicine. This book was the result of this research by Bruno Hallewa. Through the translation of papyrus medicine, the French doctor was able to fill the gaps in information in this area, and spread his admiration for the Egyptian medicine, which has been the same for three thousand years. Awareness and identification of diseases that have been prevalent in societies reflects the image of society in general and its development, and gives indicators to fully understand these communities.

Who are the Egyptian doctors?
Bruno introduces the medical community and its doctors in Egypt. There are ophthalmologists, dentists, surgeons and internal medicine experts. The progress made in the field of anatomy has also made it possible to ascertain the information obtained from the documents of some of the great pharaohs.
But the medical entity was made up of the three representatives of the human body: the full doctor, the full priest of the god Sekhmet, and "the circus who puts his hand or his fingers on the head or on the neck or on the hands or on the inner seat .." There is also a difference between the secular doctor Sono and the cleric of the Sakhmet who is considered a clergyman who practices medicine, and in contrast the magician of Silkut or Silkis.
This division of tasks explains the general thought of medicine in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians saw that those who suffer from a disease or pain is more often a victim of negative power, but touched by Satan. So the doctor had to fight the hidden and irrational force that threatened the body. It has to fight the main and profound causes of the disease, whether through magic words or religious songs.
Gradually, the scientific and rational form of medicine begins to impose itself, when some drugs succeed in treatment. Bruno believes that in ancient Egypt religion is the land on which science has ascended. Over 3500 years it was he who organized and managed the everyday life of every pharaoh to the simplest citizen, who ensured the continuity of the system against chaos.
Egyptian society and its diseases
The diseases reflect the growth and development of society, so Bruno has done many researches about the ancient Egyptian society and its daily problems from birth to death. Bruno was able to obtain a large amount of information taken from the papyrus of medicine, and studied a number of prostitutes unknown character.
Bruno spoke of childhood pain, physical shifts with young people, aging concerns where anti-wrinkle products were used; occupational diseases, especially for miners, fishermen in the Nile River and scribes, and diseases such as constipation and deteriorating dental condition.

Houses of life
The houses of life are like a silo where the doctor completes his composition. In those homes there are medical and religious activities and there is also a medical magic department. There are "writers of houses of life" writing and copying old religious and medical documents. They represented "a college of scientists responsible for protecting the life of the king and gods". Bruno believes that in these houses all the valuable books written on papyrus were copied.
They can also be compared to cultural centers where they meet with professional clerks, professors, doctors and astronomers. They offer advice to those who want to answer questions to those who wonder, especially in the fields of medicine and religion. They were called "masters of the mysteries of the House of Life". And "Writing Directors of House of Life".
We, the Egyptians, have a great religion for our ancestors; instead of remaining dependent on us to spend on us either through tourism or sending our kings roving the world to pour money into our treasures, we have to look into their history and get back to our roots that others may care about Perhaps, we found answers to the questions that are puzzling today.

Tags: Sciences
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