The legend of the Holy Trinity is one of the oldest ancient Pharaonic legends that arose with the doctrine of creation and formation among the ancient Egyptians. It is the story of the struggle of mankind between good and evil. The parties to the conflict are the six, which symbolized the mistakes and the evil of mankind. They expressed evil, betrayal, hatred and envy. And "Osiris", who was a science on renewable life, and tells the myths of multiple: it was a symbol of the Nile, which returns by the flood and green and good and fruits. Some say that he was a good king sent by the Great God (Ra) to administer justice, to legislate laws and to carry the teachings of heaven to earth.
This symbolic myth, which expresses the philosophy of the same faith with the creation of the earth, begins "the creation of the Great God Himself, in preparation for the creation of the universe, and then the creation of the creation gods which represent the elements of the whole being." The human presence in the earth and its continuity is the Holy Trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus.
The legend tells how the treachery of "six" his brother, "Osiris," who hated the beauty of his face, and the well-being of his mind, and carrying the message of love and good between people and understanding around him, it is a lie to orchestrate the plot to eliminate it, agreed with his aides from the gods of evil and evil to set up a celebration for him For his actions, and in self-respect. Then he prepared a beautiful coffin like a gold crucifix in the size of a young god alone. "Six" claimed that he offered this precious coffin a gift from him to any God who was present and fit to be a proper place for him.
Thus, each of the guests tried his luck in lying in the coffin to no avail, until the role of "Osiris", and as he lay in the coffin until the closure of "six" and his assistants cover, and then carried the coffin and the force in the Nile .. Carrying the current until the Mediterranean . There, the waves caught him until he reached the Phoenician shore in the land of Libano at the city of Byblos. On the shore, a huge and shady tree grew up, containing the holy ark and preserving it, and protecting it from the eye of the serpents. Byblos had a beautiful queen, the goddess "Astrot", whom she had gone out to look for along the Nile. She was dazzled by that rare, beautiful tree, and ordered to take her to the garden of her palace.
"Isis" was crushed by her sadness. Osiris cried with her tears. She looked for him along the Nile shore, and as the tears fell from her eyes, she fell in her path, blending with her mouth. The pharaohs attributed the cause of the flood to the tears of Isis. As she sat between the legs of the papyrus - in the swamps of the delta and exhausted by fatigue - she listened to the sound of the north wind whispering in her ears that the god "Osiris" was waiting on the beach of Byblos, from which he carried his message. "Isis" went to Byblos, On the Queen "Astrot", which honored and took it, and took it Ndima her, and was "Isis" - whenever the evening accepted - turning itself with its magical power to a sacred eagle .. Fall in the sky and hover around the tree Tnji soul of her husband .. Then happened the miracle and carried "Isis" The spirit of "Osiris" was not touched by humans.
The child bore Horus in her womb and returned him to the land of Egypt, where he hid him among the papyrus stalks in the Delta till he grew up, and fought the evil and his helpers and saved humanity from the evils of the Six. After the birth of Horus, Isis returned to Byblos and wanted Ashtarot to reward her. She asked her to give her the trunk of the tree, which included her husband's coffin, and sent it to her. She ordered her guards to carry the tree trunk to a ship prepared for her and her holy tree. .
And when she reached the land of Egypt, the body was taken out of her coffin; and she breathed in it from her breath, and she returned to life, and she and her son Horus blessed her and then ascended to heaven to take up the throne and become king of the other world and chief judge of the hereafter. Horus, who inherited the king of Egypt from his father Osiris and was later succeeded by the kings of mankind, symbolized the holy war against evil and his followers, carrying the message of God to spread justice and faith. "Isis" was called by the ancient Egyptians the name "Death Net", the holy mother that gives life and release Alkroub and explain the breasts. The Holy Trinity of love in the hearts of Egyptians filled it throughout the old history and during periods of adversity and humiliation of hope.
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