Phoenix is a long-necked bird so the Arabs called it Phoenix. The word Phoenix is Greek, meaning a certain type of palm. Some of the stories are from the origin of the mythical bird to a Greek city. The Egyptians took it in the far east. Through them, there is an evergreen tree behind the gate. A whole place is a beauty that is not inhabited by diseases, aging, death, bad deeds, fear, and sorrow.

In this orchard there is only one bird, the phoenix with the long straight beak, and the head adorned with two feathers stretched back, and when the phoenix awakens, it begins to chant a song with a wonderful voice.

A thousand years later, the phoenix wanted to be reborn, leaving its homeland and expanding towards this world and heading to Syria and chose a high-rise palm tree to reach the sky and build a nest.

After that die in the fire, and out of the ashes come out a new creature .. A worm has a color like milk turn into a cocoon, and emerge from this cocoon new birds flying back to the original homeland, and carry all the remains of her body to the ancient altar in Heliopolis in Egypt, and salutes the people of Egypt this bird This is the myth of phoenix as mentioned by the historian Herodotus. The narratives that narrate this myth differ. Phoenix is a long-necked bird, so the Arabs call it "Phoenix." The word "Phoenix" is Greek, meaning a certain type of Palm, and some dating accounts called The mythical goddess Re (following their beliefs) supports this idea when he says: "Glory to him in the temple when he rises from the house of fire.

All the gods love Arjah when he approaches Arabia.

He is the Lord of dew when he comes from Matan.

Behold, he is guided by the shining beauty of Phenicia, which is strewn with gods. "

The old people, while keeping Phoenix as a bird living an individual and renewing himself, have invented different legends for his death and for the period he lives between renewal and renewal. Some accounts have referred to the happy country in the East as being on the Arabian Peninsula, specifically Yemen, and that the life of the bird is 500 years, Until the time for change and renewal, then without hesitation goes straight to the Temple of the Sun God (Ra) in the city of Heliopolis, and in the Temple of Ra, Phoenix or Phoenix stands up and raises his wings to the top. Then applauds them with a sharp applause ... and is only a glimpse until it ignites Both wings are like a fan of fire ... and From the middle of the ashes that fall behind, a new super-old bird returns from its original place in the far east country ... The sources of the original novel have been lost in a time that only cares about facts and constants, but the story is the existence of this wonderfully self-renewing bird

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