The ancient Egyptians used to pay great attention to the celebration of the funeral of the dead. They thought that his happiness in the hereafter depended on these celebrations and read some religious hymns.
The ancient Egyptians had a complex set of burial customs that they saw as necessary for immortality and preservation of the body of the dead after death. These rituals included mummification and magical sorcery, and the burial of certain goods that they thought needed in the afterlife.
Burial rituals:

The Book of the Dead was a collection of spells designed to guide the Deceased in the Afterlife.
The ancient Egyptians used to walk in the body of the dead (after being mummified) in a procession until they reached the eastern shore of the Nile, where a small fleet of boats awaited them. The main boat had a large room lined with fabrics in this room. The body of the dead was placed with statues of Isis and Neptis. For the dead and the priest burn incense and continue to prostrate on their heads.

Spirit Exit:

In the Old Kingdom, the soul of the deceased King ascended to heaven through a great upper ladder or clinging to the tail of the heavenly cow or flying like a bird or riding on incense burning from a priest or a sandstorm. And the belief that was settled after that. And it was for all human beings after the right of worship of the people to any idol is guaranteed is the exit of the spirit in the shape of a bird with a human head.

                                 Trial of the Dead:
The courtroom of the dead in the other world was called the Hall of Inquiry. Osiris is sitting on the throne, and his sisters Isis and Nefetz, and 14 deputies, are standing in the middle of the hall. In the center of the hall there is a large balance and a monster to protect it.

The proceedings of the trial of the dead begin when Anubis enters the dead (wearing a linen garment), which greets Osiris and the other gods, and then defends the dead himself 36 times because he fears that they will not believe him and he will return his declaration to his innocence towards the 42 God (Egypt was divided into 42 provinces) Each god represented a region of Egypt. After that, the deceased will remember how good he would give the bread to the hungry and bring water to the thirsty and cover the naked.

And then put his heart in the balance and in the other cuff a small statue of truth (Maat) did not detail how to weigh the heart of the dead and no one knows whether the sins were heavy heart or make it light? If he proves that this man is innocent, he has the right to life and happiness in the afterlife, or if he is mistaken, he is destroyed by the accusation (a mythical monster is a mixture of crocodile, lion and seahorse).

It was the preoccupation of the ancient Egyptian who would happen to him in the trial because he knew that not all people would be blessed in the Hereafter, so the priests did some amulets and magical texts to protect the dead and his acquittal in trial. The truth behind that trial) falls from his heavens in the Nile if he does not leave that dead innocent of the arena of trial.

Chapter 125 was written in the Book of the Dead to redeem the sinners. This chapter was copied on papyrus to be placed inside the coffin between the legs of the mummy to clean the dead courtyard. The priests used to sway the people.

Examples of court questions in the Court's account include:

Have I lived for you, which God has set for you fully?

Have you taken the right of your body against you as God has nursed you in your youth?

Have you kept your body clean as a clean crown that was not polluted by dirt?
Funeral texts:.
. Ancient Egyptian funerary texts are a collection of religious documents used in ancient Egypt to help the soul of the deceased find his body in the afterlife, a form of ancient Egyptian literature. These texts evolved over time, starting from the texts of the pyramids in the era of the ancient state, which were used only in the royal tombs, until they began to appear inside the tombs of the queens of this era in the late era of the ancient state. These texts began to be written on the coffins of the late era of the first decay and the beginning of the era The Middle State, in what was known as the text of the coffins, and used a new set of texts in the wake of the Amarna era and the beginning of the modern state. Over time, these texts were no longer confined to the pharaoh, but extended to the royal and nobility, and finally became available to the general public who possessed the material capacity to set up a complete funerary ceremony. The Old State. The funerary texts of that time period were the exclusive domain of the pharaoh, and were not shown in any other cemetery, either in the tombs of the queens or princes, until the end of the age of the ancient states when these texts began to appear in the tombs of the queens. The Central State. A collection of ancient Egyptian funerary prayers began to appear on the coffins from the time of the first decay. These texts were taken from the texts of the pyramids, although they contained new materials to cope with daily life. This reflects the fact that different classes of people use the same texts. These texts are no longer confined to the pharaoh alone, but they are also available to the general Egyptians who are able to afford the full funerary ceremony. Modern State. Many funerary texts have appeared during the modern state era. The tombs of the kings of this period have depicted scenes of these texts, especially the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the funerary temples scattered in the city of Taibah. Among the most important funerary texts of this period are the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Hereafter, Book of the Underworld Book of Caves Book of the Earth Prayer of the Book of Heaven The book of the dead was one of the most important books of the ancient Egyptian, a book containing a collection of religious and magical texts known to the Egyptians as "walking classes during the day" and the Book of the Dead actually a descendant of texts For the pyramids and coffins, which is intended to provide a comfortable and comfortable life for the deceased and give him the necessary forces to leave the cemetery when necessary. And most of what was found in the graves parts of the Book of the dead, which was believed dead in need of the rest does not copy but found many texts containing the book of the dead, and the following are some lines of this book and translated in order of line. Duaa for "Ra" When he appears on the eastern horizon, see "Osiris," the author of the offerings of the Holy Wonders, all of them "Annie" - he says: "Glory to you, who came as a" knight ", such as the Creator of the Lords, you shine and shine, making your mother an insight, The mother works for you. After the reign of the kings of the Amarna era and the beginning of the era of the Ramesses and the return to the doctrine of the god Amun, another collection of funerary texts appeared [3] which focused on glorifying the goddess Notte the God of Heaven and filming the journey of the sun god inside it through the darkness of the night until a young man gave birth to him the next morning, Fourth, two copies of the Book of Heaven (which is different from the Book of Heavens) are placed on the roof of the royal tombs. Buried Goods:. . After the work of some rites, only the parapet and funeral furniture are removed and arranged. The coffin made in the shape of the mummy is placed in another stone coffin, in the shape of a rectangular basin. Several objects such as sticks, arms and amulets are placed around it. , The stone coffin is sealed with a heavy lid and the Canopian pots are placed next to the coffin (the vessels in which the organs of the deceased are placed and the four Horus shapes are taken). The food of the deceased was called "Osirabat Al Nabatah", a wooden frame in the shape of a mummified ouzis and inside it a sack of coarse cloth filled with a mixture of barley and sand. It was watered for several days. The barley grew thick and strong and when it reached 12-15 cm it was dried and damaged. The poles, including pieces of cloth, the purpose of this work is to urge the deceased to return because Osiris had been resurrected from death in this way.

 The pictures include:
. . 1_ process the weight of the heart of the dead, and carried here Horus and Anubis, and recorded the result of the balance of the balance: from the Book of the dead to Sisostris .. ..

 2_ Preparing the dead for burial. .. 
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