The era of builders of pyramids

The era of the ancient state was known as the era of the builders of the pyramids. This period saw the largest building system in history, which led to the existence of a large number of pyramids, close to 100 pyramids.
The third and fourth families were the largest. The pyramids of Giza, built during the Fourth Dynasty, are the crown of the crown of Egyptian civilization and an architectural miracle that has no parallel on the planet.
Archaeologists interested in the physical research on how to build the pyramids and the date of its construction. As for the reasons for construction, it did not receive much attention. Most of the archaeologists described the pyramids as "tombs for the burial of the kings of Egypt" !!!
But there are many researchers who have realized that this explanation for the construction of the pyramids is a mockery of the minds and is not commensurate with the magnitude of that great project.
How can we believe that the pyramids were built for the personal welfare of the kings of Egypt in the other world at the expense of the people and the state, while the symbols of Egyptian civilization are far from the concept of personality
(Ego), and all its purpose was to go from physical consciousness to cosmic consciousness.
Researchers who provided new explanations by the American researcher Christopher Dunn, who presented on his website a new proposal called (Giza Power Plant) assumes that the pyramids of Giza is a station to polarize and intensify global energy depends on the energy of cosmic clean (non-explosive).
American writer Alan Alford, in his book The Midnight Sun, presented a remarkable analysis of the symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization and concluded that the pyramids and tombs were built as a ground gate from which the Spirit moves to the Doat during a journey of the kings' All who reach spiritual knowledge) to the depths of the universe (N) .... is a journey to renew the energy of the universe to prevent the emergence of factors of chaos and darkness that may lead to its collapse.
The ancient Egyptians in the universe hoped to discover that the universe was an architectural building of great magnificence and precision and discovered that the God is the greatest masonry.
The ancient Egyptians reached the basic engineering laws (the cosmic code) in which the universe was built, which is what is called sacred geometry ..... and they wanted to make the earth a picture of the sky
By using the same cosmic laws in stone architectural monuments.
It came in Meton Hermes (that Egypt is a picture of the sky, and the universe dwells here in its temples).
Constructing the earth using the same cosmic code in the sky was meant to establish the connection between earth and heaven, and to speak to the God (the greatest of the masons) using the same divine language as he speaks. God speaks a universal language whose components are numbers, shapes and geometric proportions.
The construction of the ancient Egyptians is prayer, supplication and the call to the Creator of the wonderful .... which created the finest architectural statement and is the universe. And the pyramids and temples on the ground is a reflection of the image of the universe ... ... To verify the words of Thoth recorded in emerald boards ...........
"As above ............. as under".
Tags: arcade periodHistory


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