نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Ancient pharaonic story‬‏
It is said that two brothers lived in one house and the name of the oldest Anubis and the youngest Bata had married Anubis and live with him brother

And Bata made his brother's clothes, and took care of his cattle in the field, and plowed his land to him, and reaped the plant, and carried out all the works of the field

In the truth, the young Bata was a skillful peasant, unmatched in all the earth by his strength, and he would go and come to his brother's house laden with milk, grass, wood, and wood, and he would offer him satisfaction as he sat down to his wife

If he finished eating his drink and took his way to his shrine in the barn to guard his cows.

If the night took off his blackness and the dawn of a new day, he would prepare his brother for food and then he would take his way to the field and carry his food with him and drive his cows to take care of her. He would walk with her and talk to her.

When the plowing came, he went out with his brother Anubis and equipped the oxen to prepare the land for sowing. As they did so, the seed ran out. His brother sent him to the house to bring seed.

When he entered the house, he found his brother's wife sitting and combing her hair did not pay attention to it and went out of the grain store loaded with seeds, and the wife of Anubis stopped him and said: How much do you carry on your shoulders? And he answered: I have three bags of wheat, and two of these ten barley.

She said, "You have a great bass, and you are amazed." She said, "Come, we will listen together and it will be your luck." She said, "You are like a mother to me and your husband is like my father. He was a little Rabbani. What is this great sin that you speak to me and carry the sowing and go on the field? .

When Anubis came back in the evening, he found his wife sitting crying in her bed and the house dark and her voice heard her vomit. When she approached, she said, "Bata, I ran away from myself, but I disobeyed him, so I went out of fear in himself, and hit me so that I would not tell you.

Anubis scooped up his blade and grabbed it in his hand and hid behind the barn door to kill Bata.

When the cows approached him, I told him that Anubis behind the door wanted to kill you, so take your thigh so as not to slay you !!

Then he saw the feet of Anubis and threw his load to the ground and fled. Anubis stood up to him and he went on walking behind him. He called out: "My God, the good, you are the one who separates the loser from the past." He heard his darkness and made him a lake full of crocodiles.

Bata said Mnadia Anubis: O brother stay here until the morning spring and we will control you to the sun at sunrise and will win the right and I will not live after you and I will take the valley of rice as a place for me.

When the sun shone .. I know Anubis the truth and swear to him by (Ra) and said: My brother wanted to kill me for her obsession with a dirty dirty woman and this innocence and took Gaba and cut it and threw it in the water swallowed him a big fish and fainted and became miserable.

When he saw Anubis cry, he grieved him and said to him, Brother, hear me. I will take off my heart and put it over a flower in a cedar tree. Then I will die and look for seven years. But if you find my heart and put it in a pot of cold water, then I will live again. I was assigned to .. If a man gave you a bowl of beer Vakhtmer then realized what hurt me and do not hesitate, it is in your interest, then returned to Anubis home and slaughter his wife and threw them to the dogs and a sad seat on his brother Bata.

And Bata went to the valley of the cedar and built himself a palace and took off his heart and put it above the top of a flower in a cedar tree from which life derives from his body and sat under it every day and thought to marry.

Then he went out one day and met (the gods). They said to him, "You, O Taurus, have left your village in front of the wife of Anubis. He slaughtered her because you revealed to him the crime that was committed against you.

And Surah revealed to him the favor, calling him Ra to be married by the wife of the beautiful Raa of Khnom God of creation: Su wife of Bata so as not to be alone in his home Vhhnh mate mate Every woman in the land beauty Vhvv Bata love, and on the way stopped (Hator) Goddess of Love She said: Bata your companion will die a dead death, do not get out of your home. And do not spread to her thy secret

He said Bata, my friend, I love you and I have only you, God is a gift to me and not a trick for you to stay with me, even though I am a female like you and do not go out so that the sea will not carry you away and I can not save you a way .. Hattr told me this and ratified and I will tell you the secret of my existence and warned me not to tell you But my passion for you is more than to be silent in secret .. Hear me the secret of my life and my strength in my heart and it is above the top of the flower in the cedar trees ... If any other person found him under his power.

A few days later Bata went out to catch his daily routine ... and his wife went out to stroll under the cedar tree - and did not listen to his advice - the sea looked at her and stretched out behind her and the Virgin wife took her to her house until she entered .. But the sea stopped calling the cedar tree saying: The cedar tree tipped from her hair and brought it to him. He carried the wave to Egypt and danced in the pool of the pharaoh.

Pharaoh gathered his men to ask them about the secret of this hidden fragrance and its source .. When the chief bartender one day to the pool of the King to look for the secret and saw the snail took it and smell perfume, if it is the perfume of the king's clothes that asks for.

Pharaoh gathered his men and wise men to ask them about the secret of this knot. Then they gathered their order that this daughter of the daughter of Raa Harakhti was like Khannum, and in it there was a gift from every god, and a gift to you.

When the messengers of Pharaoh and his soldiers came to the Valley of Cedar and found the Virgin wife at Bata and wanted to take it, they slaughtered eighty thousand in two successive rounds. Then he sent other soldiers, along with a woman, the wife of the Virgin, with the king and the Sultan and the jeweler and went out with the Pharaoh's men and left Bata sad.

And the Virgin became the wife of Bata at Pharaoh's princess and kept him a secret Bata and said to him: Bata owns the sword of truth, which killed your soldiers and if you want to get rid of it (passed by cutting the tree of cedar and destroyed it explained his life in his heart suspended above the flower of cedar tree)
Then Pharaoh sent his soldiers Vajtthoha and cut off the flower, which was the heart of Bata pride fit, when he emerged the dawn of a new day was Anubis older brother Bata in his home and gave him a server cup of beer Fajtmrt .. that mark was set by the Bata that knows his death-then took his stick and carry his weapon and walked actively to the valley of rice when his brother's palace and his grandfather lying on his bed income cried .. but he took looking for his heart in the cedar forest day and night and stayed three years looking for him in the fourth year was walking place of the tree that Ajttha the pharaoh was sitting beneath his brother .. he found fruit returned by When they are bitten by his teeth, then he is the heart of his brother. Making testamentary Bata and prepared a cup of cold water and threw it in the heart of Bata when Jin night and sucked the water heart trembled with the body of Bata on his bed and became alive .. and gave him to drink what was left of Anubis water in the mug and shuffled his heart in the chest .. and embraced

When he became the dawn of a new day, Bata said to Anubis: "Listen, I have been promised by the Taurus to become a marvelous bull and ride on my back and go together to Egypt and give me a gift to Pharaoh and reward you with silver and gold.

Anubis said: And what will you do when the pharaoh said Bata to get rid of my wife as you took your right from your wife

A few days later entered the bull kitchen Pharaoh and stood behind the princess and told her (I am Z still alive) and I am forbidden .. you remember when instructed to Pharaoh to destroy the cedar tree, do not live beyond .. Vocalt Princess took place .. In the cabin Pharaonic said to Pharaoh: I swear that you will hear what I say .. he swore said that this bull will not help anything, let me eat his liver .. grieved pharaoh on the bull, but bowed to their demand and declared a great holiday stay to eat where people meat this bull .. as the slaughter of the butcher bull and carry on the shoulders, shaking the bull head and asked him two drops From the blood to the left and right of the door of the Pharaonic palace, two great trees of acacia were sprouted

When the princess came out and sat under one of the trees, the tree said, "O traitor, I am dead ... and I will live against you.

In the Pharaoh bed Princess him (she passed cut two trees and make me their furniture and beautiful .. did the king came Woodmen and stop the Pharaoh and Princess watching cut two trees Aftart fragment of wood and entered the princess's mouth Fabtaltha and the moment became pregnant .. After months and put a boy became a young man and made him the pharaoh ruler Of Ethiopia and of its era.

After years, the Pharaoh died and the Crown Prince took power in the Kingdom and brought the advisers and the ruler of the Princess / his mother to kill him and kill him .. He sent in his brother Anubis's request and made him the crown prince Bata died after thirty years and received Anubis the king after him.

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