Perhaps the title of this article seems surprising and surprising, a light bulb in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago? Is this a myth like those promoted by science fiction movies? You may be so dear reader, but let me ask you a simple question. Would the materialistic and logical scientists believe that the pyramids existed if they had disappeared and had no effect? No, of course, they would laugh and consider it just an old myth, so how can the old man with simple wooden trusses build such a building? But Al-Ahram is a real and undeniable fact that has been in place for thousands of years, so some believe that ancient civilizations hide many secrets and mysteries in their collection, and that the ancients were not as backward as we imagine them today.
How the Pharaohs decorated and carved the dark rooms inside the pyramids and the temples
A picture of the inscriptions in Dandara temple, which some believe it to imagine a light bulb
665 km south of Cairo lies the ruins of Dandreh, which was once one of the holy cities of the Egyptians, and it consists of several temples and religious buildings spread over an area of ​​40000 square meters near the banks of the Nile and has been built and reconstructed Pharaohs Egypt since The third millennium BC and until the time of the Roman occupation where the Egyptians began to convert to Christianity and took the worship of idols gradually recede, and the last architecture that stands in the place today dates back to the time of another Egyptian pharaoh Nakht Anbo II (1) with some additions in the time of Battles and the beginning of Roman rule, and the main building in the Holy city is A huge slave dedicated to the worship of the gods Hathor Maternity mother and female love in the ancient Egyptians, and the temple consists of several large halls with some shrines and attached mausoleums and a number of small basements distributed under the construction, and construction on the whole is not very different in terms of design From the rest of the Pharaonic monuments, which are characterized by the greatness of the building and its abbey and beautiful engravings, but in one of the basements below the temple there is an unusual inscription is interesting, looking at the details with some scrutiny and scrutiny will easily distinguish something he saw a lot in his life, a light bulb !!

In the inscription, whose details are repeated on the wall more than once, a huge man stands up with something in his hand, like a pearly glass lid. Inside, there is a long, curved veneer. The whole shape looks like a modern electric lamp and is connected from the bottom with a small base. in the form of a rose lotus (lily) is connected by a long wire body square shape it seems like a battery sitting on it symbolizes a person air machine, and there are three people sitting under the lamp inscription in addition to a large monkey carrying two knives on the opposite side to him.
The hieroglyphic inscription in the engraving speaks of the rituals of the New Year's celebrations, which some interpreted as an image of an Egyptian priest offering an electric lamp for the revelers, and that the monkey carrying the knives is a warning sign of the danger of electric shock that may occur Because of the constipation of the lamp and wires, and supporters of this theory find in the inscription an explanation of the mystery as long as scientists puzzled about the way the decoration and engraving of the Pharaohs walls of rooms and halls within the pyramids or under the huge stone temples where the darkness and the air trapped, And the magnificence of murals and bright colors, but the scientists did not find any effect of the soot (2) resulting from the torches in the rooms that adorned with these inscriptions, which raises the question of how to draw the ancient Egyptian artist of those inscriptions ?!

Although the scientists did not agree, and apparently never agreed, on how to build the pharaohs of the pyramids and other large temples, but some of them believe that the ancient Egyptian artist was carved rocks that make up the walls of the interior rooms under the sun before being covered and built above , And there are those who believe that the Pharaohs were lighting the interior rooms by reflecting the sun on a group of mirrors, while others go, and this is the most accepted theory, that the Egyptians were using olive oil as fuel for their lamps because it is clean when burning to the point that it does not leave any trace of grime, but the only problem is that Like other means of lighting based on the combustion air needs to be flammable and is a problem we can imagine the difficulty when we know that the Egyptians knew they were under hundreds of tons of rock and in the narrow corridors without windows.
Most scientists today agree that the engraving in the Hathor temple crypt does not depict an electric lamp, and it is merely an ancient Egyptian symbol depicting the gods and some pharaonic symbols. It did not discover any ancient electric lamp inside the Pharaonic monuments. There is never evidence that the Pharaohs knew anything. electricity and its applications, their situation in that case all the old nations.
However, there are some supporters of the theory of the lamp who still insist that the Pharaonic civilization does not resemble other civilizations and that the old man was not lagging behind to the extent that the books and modern school curricula, there are ancient effects of puzzlement and astonishment like the pyramids, Some traces of the knowledge of the ancients, such as the battery of Baghdad, 3, and go some further to argue the theory of flying saucers and Atlantis lost civilization and the relationship of the Pharaohs with sophisticated space creatures contacted the people of the land in ancient times.
The last pharaoh: the last Pharaohs of the Thirtieth Dynasty and the last Pharaoh of Egypt, tried what he could maintain the independence of Egypt, but he failed and fled to Nubia to die there after being overthrown by the legions of the Persian Persians in the fourth century BC, The last Egyptian national ruler until the time of Gamal Abdel Nasser! For more than two thousand years, most of the people who have been governed by the rule of the country were not Egyptian origin.

2 - There are traces of overheating within the pyramids and the ancient Egyptian temples, but most Egyptian scientists gather that it dates back to the times of the Pharaohs, tombs tombs and tourists, visitors and explorers, for example the months who tried to decipher the secret of the Great Pyramid in the Middle Ages is the Caliph Al - The men of the Arab diggers then dug and succeeded in entering the pyramid after a great effort, but they despaired of finding the Pharaoh's room and left the attempt and their story is not the subject of our research here, but we cited it as an example of tens and perhaps hundreds of attempts of this kind over thousands of years, They tried to disturb the Pharaohs in a cellar They were carrying their torches.

Baghdad Battery: A pottery vessel found near Baghdad in 1936 dates back to the first century AD and is similar in composition to modern dry batteries. Scientists believe that it was used to generate a simple electrical charge used to paint silver jewelery with a thin layer of gold. The pot and its ability to generate electricity.

Tags: Sciences
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