
Nefertari is the most important wife of Pharaoh Ramesses II, who lived in the era of the 19th Dynasty in the 11th century BC. She bore many children to Ramses but none of them lived like his father. She is also the mother of Meritamon, who has also become a queen. Nefertari is one of the eight wives of Ramses II. He is believed to have married her before he came to power in a joint sentence with his father, First City. Although she was not the main wife (his main wife, Isis Nefert, who became her son Merneptah), Nefertari was an important face in that era and evidence of the facade of the Temple of Abu Simbel, which Ramses built for her and the gods of Hathor and made of her statues in the size of the pharaoh statues
they Called her « the beautiful  of the beauties»
They were called Nefertari, or "beautiful". Its unique position is confirmed by the style of preference in the name. As historians say, the word "nefar" also means "good" or "good," which makes them translate their name as "their best, best, or best". Nefertari was not the first to take this preference. She was preceded by Queen Ahmos Nefertari, the 18th dean of the family, whom the ancient Egyptians deified according to their beliefs after her death. Nefertari was named after her. Historians are likely to be from the family itself. Like her husband Ramesses II, who was fond of creating statues everywhere, Nefertari made many titles, among them the Grand Princess, the Grand Royal Wife, the Lady of the Earths, the Upper and Lower Egypt, The "wife of God". According to many Egyptian scholars, this title was mentioned two times in front of her image in her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, the same title as Ahmos Nefertari, but due to the magnificence of her beauty, she was also nicknamed "Melissa the Face" and "The Feathers". Given Nefertari's great status in Thebes, Ramses II's marriage was thought to have strengthened his position in the South Valley, and in the city of Taibeh in particular. In the Valley of the Queens in the western region of Luxor in Luxor, south of Egypt lies the famous Egyptian Queen's tomb, which was discovered in 1904 by an Italian mission headed by the famous Archaeologist «Skiaaparelli».
Nefertari is the favorite of the five wives of King Ramesses II. Despite the lack of historical documentation, we can see more of her news through the effects of this era. The most important of these is the temple of Abu Simbel in Nubia, built by Ramses The second is to celebrate his beautiful wife and to give birth to her unique name. Nefertari was married to Ramses II before he ascended the throne. Her image was found on the plates of Mount Silesia dating back to 1290 BC, where she and her husband perform a religious ritual in the year before his rule. The Nefertari cemetery has not been opened to the public since it was discovered until the early 1990s, due to some damage caused by the deposition of salts, which was used in the poor quality of limestone.
This has prompted ancient artists to cover the surfaces of the walls with layers of plaster engraved and decorated with deep drilling with great skill, so the reason for the damage was the rock salts formed under the plaster layer, causing it to fall.
In a visit to Ash Sharq al-Awsat of the famous Egyptian Queen's tomb, one of the most important tombs of the Valley of the Queens, opposite the important tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings, we see the area where the Nefertari cemetery was carved from the mountain, Of the finest types of limestone, and therefore covered the walls with a thick layer of mortar, sculpted by the wall inscriptions light and stimulate the ease of drawing and sculpture and coloring on this layer, the artist to embark on the implementation of his drawings with great skill. The artist also modified several times the design of the paintings, adding a new layer to cover the old layer that appeared with the fall of some parts of the new amendment, and the roof was settled and painted on it representing the sky by coloring the area in dark blue decorated with yellow stars.
In the walls of the graveyard, the queen appears in all her pictures, wearing a loose, transparent robe with white folds, from which he helped her and tied them with a knotted ribbon at the bottom of her chest hanging from the end of the lace. She placed a gold crown on her head in the shape of the bird of Mercy. She often placed another crown topped by Mercy, Pristine with the sun disk. The queen was adorned with many ornaments of earrings, bracelets and decades, with powders on her face. The design of the cemetery was carried out in the tombs of the 19th-century monasteries in its early era, much like the tomb of Queen Tui, the wife of City I.
When you enter the cemetery, you must start with a stone staircase, consisting of eighteen degrees, leading to the entrance to the cemetery, which in turn leads to a square-shaped hall on the western and northern sides of the tomb. The wall above the «back» Chapter XVII of the book «for the death» of the exit and enter the other world.
This text is on the left, and on the left of the inside is a picture of the Queen playing the "macabre", a famous pharaonic game played inside her tent, followed by the image of the soul in the shape of a bird with the queen's head. On the west wall, the visitor sees a drawing of two lions between them, a disk of the sun.
After that, the visitor sees the bird, followed by the mummy of Nefertari inside the embalming tent guarded by Isis and Nephthis on the sides of the hawk, and Horus standing, and we follow these scenes inside the cemetery, as well as drawings of the mummies of "Ra Hor, my sister »,

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