Mummification is one of the manifestations of progress in ancient Egyptian civilization and shows how far it has come to understand the many mysteries of the secrets of the world and the amount of ammunition correctly obtained from scientific knowledge accurate and correct

That the secret of embalming remains the most mysteries of the Pharaohs mystery and excitement .......

At first, embalming was limited to rich kings and classes, but other methods of mummification were finally known and used to make it easier for the poor to benefit from some conservation of their bodies, especially the process of drying with nectar, and to have others who wished to have eternal life.
The only known reference so far to any ancient description of the methods of embalming are the few paragraphs mentioned by Herodotus and Diodorus, the only historians who left us some data on this process as the ancient Egyptian texts - as is known so far - do not contain any details about Methods of mummification.
A detailed description is described by Herodotus, who was deported to Egypt around the middle of the fifth century BC (460 BC)
According to Herodotus, three different methods of embalming were used:

First Way:
It is the most expensive method in which a part of the brain is extracted and the rest is extracted by drugs (but its nature is not mentioned) and the contents of the abdomen are extracted (the intended meaning may also include the contents of the chest except the heart, although this is not specifically mentioned) Extracted from the palm and spices, and then stuffed with cavity palmer and cinnamon and other aromatic substances (not mentioned) except incense frankincense, and after he sewed embalming the body was treated with nitron and then washed and scattered in the rolls of linen were glued together.

The second way:
In which the body was injected with rice oil through the anus and then treated with nitron.

Third Way:
They are the cheapest of the three methods and have been chosen by the poor classes. They include washing the body and the bowels with an enema, followed by treatment with nitron.

** Explanation stages of embalming **

The following steps can be summarized as follows:

1 - extraction of the brain from the skull suction through the nose using chisel and hammer to cut through the wall of the nose and then pull the brain through the opening of the nose with a pipe heated and sterile
2 - extraction of all the organs of the body except the heart ((center of soul and emotion)) and thus does not remain in the body any soft material rotting bacteria either open or injected pine oil into the intestines through the anus
3 - dictate the cavity of the chest and abdomen with the solution of Natron and rolls of linen saturated with resin and perfume, which are all materials can not be the center of decomposition and rotting bacteria
4- Drying the body by placing it in dry natron salt to extract each atom of water in it and extract the fat and dry the tissue completely
5 - Coating the body with liquid resin to fill all the pores of the skin and to be a barrier to moisture and an antidote to microorganisms and insects in various circumstances, even if the body was placed in the water or left in the open
6 - In one of the advanced stages of the modern state has been placed sand under the skin between him and the muscle layer through holes in various parts of the body so that the sides appear full and does not show any slouch in the skin
7. Use beeswax to close the nose, eyes, mouth and abdominal area
8 - coloring lips and cheeks cosmetics
9. The mummy is wrapped with many lattice lattices that may be hundreds of meters in diameter and are coated with resin. They are colored with red iron oxide (red sediment), including beeswax as adhesive

The following is a comprehensive inventory of the materials mentioned by Hyodot and Diodorus that they were used in the process of embalming, and some other materials that Bliny mentioned that the Egyptians have used for this purpose, and materials found in the present era that have a relationship with the mummies:
Beeswax - bitumen - cacia (cinnamon) - cedar oil - cheddar sokus - chedrum - cinnamon - gum - henna - juniper love - lime - nectron - paints - onion - - Sawdust - Spices - Tar

Tags: discoveriesMagic and Mysteries
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