‪The story of King Ramses' coffin‬‏

The richness of the king was a rednecet of gold (gold powder). It was a great amount that no king could pass. He had a large cupboard attached to the outer wall of the palace. The exterior of the cupboard can be removed from the wall easily. When he attended the death, he told his children how he cared about them and how they would enjoy a good life thanks to the trick he made when he placed the stone that could be moved in the outer wall of King Rameses' coffin.

After the death of the engineer went out and had a night to the wall of the treasury and dragged the stone and entered the treasury and took the extraction of quantities of flour. The king noticed the lack of repair in the ribs, but he could not doubt anyone. His seals on the locks were intact, and when the incidents of theft were repeated, he set foot traps on the ground. When the brothers came in and the first one felt his way, When he realized the calamity of a club, he warned his brother and warned him to rush in to cut off his head, so that he would not know his identity and catch him, and after hesitating he gave up and did what he did and returned with his brother's head to their home.

When the day came and the king entered his closet he panicked when he saw the body of the thief without a head, and was more surprised when he did not know how to enter the treasury without touching any seal of seals. When the trick asked him to ask to put the body on the wall of the palace and established a guard near it to arrest those who see him weeping or trying to take it.

The mother of the thief cried at her son and asked his brother to bring his body to be buried with his head so that the soul could return to body and head together, and threatened him if he did not do so she would go to the king and ask him to report it.

The young man was stoned to carry out the request of his mother. He prepared his donkey and carried it near the wine, and then her leg in front of him. When he passed through the guard, he beat the donkeys and dispersed and dismantled some of the proximity, including the wine, and he screamed and bowed his head as if confused to any donkeys. They grab the spilled wine and take advantage of what happened.

But when they reached the orgasm alone and slept, he stole his brother's body without feeling it and returned it to his mother.

When the king reached the theft of the body he was very angry, and as a scoundrel, he announced that he had asked his daughter to accept the marriage without any distinction from the man who was told her the ugliest and most horrible acts he had ever done in his life without fear of punishment in a dark room and held by the student Of which . "If someone tells you about the robberies, you have to hold him and ask the guard to arrest him," he told her.

When the thief heard the king's announcement and realized that it might be a trick of him, he decided to overtake him by another trick. He took a wooden hand and covered it with cloth. He came to the king's daughter's room and made it stuck to the counterfeit hand and told her how he ran the trestle. He had risen in the dark and fled.

The king realized that he had a boy who was very intelligent and worthy of admiration. He sent a message to all the cities to declare the boy safe from all the punishments and, with the consent of his daughter, to marry him, reward him for his intelligence, which surpassed the intelligence of the Egyptians who were the smartest men.

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