The pyramid of Saqqara is one of the oldest pyramids in Egypt, and it is special for the king of Zoser or the "ecclesiastical" Khattar. The pyramid of Zoser is called the pyramid pyramid and it is because it is graded. It consists of 6 terraces; the tombs were in the era of the first family and the second consists of one large mosque, especially for the king, King of Zoser, where he had a selection of the most brilliant staff, including engineer Imhotep, who wanted to show the glory of King Zoser and the special dimension of the thought of the establishment of an unconventional tomb of King Zoser that the idea of the idea of creation Pyramid pyramid and humiliation To you by placing 6 terraces terraced above some Why 6 terraces and whether it is related to religion or that is not quite different because it has to do with the way architecture When Imohotep thought to glorify the king thought that if put less than 6 terraces can come another king and more It can be said that the pyramid of Zoser is a turning point in the building and construction of the pyramids where new materials were used in the construction, such as limestone. Al-Zuser pointed out in one of the pyramids Inscriptions from the 19th Dynasty, which were found in the south of Saqqara, The excavation consists of: 1) Great trench 2) The perimeter fence 3) The front lobby 4) The pyramid 5) The southern courtyard 6) The southern cemetery 7) Temple (T) 8) Eid (Sid) 9) House of the South and North House 10) Funeral Temple 11) Crypt Room 12) Western Hills These are the parts of the funerary collection of the word Zoser or Bridge Scattering
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