A new chapter of the book of Egyptian legends can easily touch its impact on human thought until today.

This myth occurred in a time when gods and kings lived together on earth.

When Ra ruled Egypt, where Ra began to age, which made humans conspire around him but he realized what in their intention invited the gods to consult

On this matter, the gods agreed that Ra sent his eye (which is the sun in the appearance of the gods of Hathor) to crush the conspirators.
She showed her ability and intensity to them, called "the scum" ie the strong and then returned again determined to eliminate the final them.

But Ra has pity on humans and sent his messengers to the island of "Alfantin" to bring a large amount of red fruit called "DE" and ordered Ra to prepare seven thousand jugs of beer mixed with fruit to show beer as blood.

On the day that Hathor went to destroy mankind, Ra ordered the pouring of wine into the fields and when she offered the god and drank from it, she became drunk

Which made her forget her mission.

In spite of what Ra did to mankind, some of them did not stop doing the sins, and his chest was broken with their iniquities, and he went to heaven with the back of the cow.
Heavenly, leaving the god Thoth represented on earth.
Tags: literature
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