Egypt, Holiday, Sun, Tourism, Pharaoh

Named ages old state with builders of the pyramids due to the keenness of each king of kings to establish its own pyramid, also called Ages exile because of no stability rule for most of the kings in the city of Memphis (dead hostage) Badrashin Center now include the old state Dynastic of the third and even sixth
Mohammed III: 2780 _ 2723 BC.
The ages of the ancient state began with the third family era, and there is a difference between Neyton and the other royal lists and the effects on the first of the third family and the number of their kings and extended their reign. Maniton was given nine kings who ruled 214 years. Ali, the courtyard of Saqqara, Abidus and the city of Turin, The opinion is that the third family consists of six kings: the bridge (Nathar Ari Khit) - Sakhmakht - Sankt - Kha Ba - Nab Ka - (Nfrka) - Honi. King Zoser or Bridge (or the Lord of the body) or belonging to the body of the idol. Perhaps the son of King Khai Skhmoy the last kings of the second family of his wife Ni Mahat and attributed his fame to the civilizational achievements that took place in his reign and not in the name of architecture and may be due to Ali the head of a new family to that is his name in red ink recorded in the Papyrus Turin prescription founding a new era and perhaps the most important political events of his time is the transfer of political and administrative capital definitively from ((Theiny)) to Menf Fajtarha based world and the Hereafter, we see that after he built for himself A graveyard in a house where the soldiers of Gerga built themselves in Saqqara Herma It is the first pyramid in existence and was the greatest Mahakgah King Aamahotb engineer is that wonderful architectural group for the king in the cemetery of Saqqara and includes six groves other than the pyramid outer wall This group includes an area of ​​more than one hundred and fifty thousand square meters along with the architectural group and associated with an era Zoser idea invented the solar calendar (A civil calendar combining the characteristics of the solar calendar and the stellar calendar linked to the evaluation of poetic in his reign as well as the story of famine
The Story of Famine:
In the 18th year of the rule of Zoser, the narrowness of the country increased because of the lack of flood water for seven years and I said the grains and felt the elders and children of the country The king sent the king to the supreme ruler of the country, the head of the temples of the south and the prince of the Nubians. He asked him to help and Zoser ruled to the high priest and Imhotep and they offered him sacrifices and sacrifices to the fathers and wives of Abo (present Aswan). The king to stop some of the bounties of the region is valid and expanded the influence of God circle and gave his agricultural land. The scholars differed regarding this text some Phiri it is a different story from the imagination of the priests of the god Khnum in the Ptolemaic era, and some see it as a real story that happened in the era of Djoser Cons Bareign
P0barguet that the king that took place in his famine is Ptolemy the fifth and not a bridge and on this the Ptolemaic king granted the temple of Khnum the land stretching from Aswan to Tacumbuso near the Dikkah.
The King has the title of "Ra NOP" Bridge was taken (ie Ra Golden), which expresses its association Bmabboud sun will this title be replaced in the fourth dynasty title Hur NOP and under the rule of Zoser property management began to expand and found to the side of King Zoser First Minister in order to assist him in his duties to organize The country and its administration and succession after Zoser a number of pharaohs made them royal lists between the four and six and made them Manitun eight and retained the existing effects of names between the three and five and ended the family King Houni ruled for almost twenty-four years.
The fourth family: 2680 _2560 BC.
It may seem to some of the scholars of the history of ancient Egypt that the fourth family of the most known families in ancient Egypt is actually the family of builders of the Great Pyramids but the truth is that we have little about the history of this family and the king, which we have more information than his reign is the founder of this family Snafro the rest of the kings, we do not know about them only architectural activity is Sneferu of the pyramids and the number of the kings of this family, the kings of the eight scholars have differed in their order they are: Snefru _ _ Cheops blasphemed Ra _ _ Khafre blasphemed Hor_ Bawav Ra_ Menkaure _ Hbskaf.
_ Snfrew:
This king was considered one of the great kings and was sanctified by subsequent generations as one of the eminent kings. Sinfro married Princess Hetep Haras and is probably the daughter of Honi and thus became a legal center in the country because Hetep Guard had in her blood the right to inherit the throne of the country after her father Honi and know the mother of Snafro, Mers Ankh was buried in Medom. From the study of the parmesan stone, we know a lot about the activity of King Senefro. He sent a fleet of 40 ships to bring clumps of cedar trees from Lebanon. So far, many of these timber have remained inside his heart pyramid in Dahshur. In general you ship 16 Magdava. Sinfro is known for his campaigns, including his pregnancy, which he sent to Nuba in the south to discipline the Nubians and restore security and tranquility to the southern borders of Egypt. His army returned seven thousand prisoners and 200 thousand heads of bulls and sheep. Sinfero also sent mining campaigns to the Sinai peninsula. For example, the exploitation of copper and turquoise mines and Sinnfro set up several military entrances to secure the borders of East Egypt and also secure gold mines, which extends east between the Nile and the Red Sea, which was turned into the coffers of the king. The men of Sanfero left us on the rocks of the cave cave, the memory of these campaigns. The memory of Sinfero was still present and his name was immortal in the region until the central state. He was considered a worshiper of the region alongside Hathor, as evidenced by the inscriptions and the texts also speak of his carrying him to Libya to secure the borders of Western Egypt
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