نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Working in agriculture in ancient Egypt‬‏
Most of the members of the Egyptian community participating in the face or another of agricultural activity. The farmers were working, as a precaution, the owners of the rich or the officials; For food, clothing and shelter. Or they were leasing land from the owners; A part of the crop. There is not always a sufficient number of employment to complete the work of the agriculture and harvesting. Therefore the labor groups genes together the performance, through a system of compulsory work. The high lands, in the flood plain on both sides of the river, is grown; Those black soil are the most fertile land in Egypt.
Farmers in Ancient Egypt used very simple tools. For the land and dismounting of the soil, use the peasants hoe handles made of sharp wooden we installed rope edge plant fibers in the hands of the long wood; Tends to sharp angle. Also, use the plow blade is installed in a pair of wooden stilts; A column of pillar extends to the yoke rests on my neck Dapatin (thorin) also bring the plow. The Farmer tends to the plow pillar; In order to push the blade should be facing in the soil, along the canyon. Among agricultural tools and also the scythe who used the since Neolithic age, even the modern state; In the farming crops. It is made of wood with rows of box-cutters flint stone box-cutters has replaced the copper, bronze, and then replace the flint; In the age of the central state. The iron blades were introduced after the era of the romans. Farmers also may use faucets (or) of stone elderly, saucepans (with runny scoops) and accessories for wooden floors and wooden tools with teeth, to collect grass or stirring the settlement of the soil.
The waters of the Nile flood flood the valley during the period (year) known as "akhet One"; And correspond to the time period from July to December, in the calendar. The water covering the agricultural lands, while connected the canals water to land that is not up to the Nile water. The flow period is the period of the cold season, which extends from December to March; It was called the word "BERT". When the earth is dry and freezes, so that Sir; The land was usually grind water using a beast. The writer in charge heaps quota of farm produce, and saves the data in a written record. The grain sown manually, M'rabet and pack; Such as sheep and goats, goes in the field and paid in moving grain in the ground before the birds of captured.
Then followed by the dry season which lasts from March until July, and was called "shimo"; And replace the harvest. The clerks, led by "OBSERVANT or observer fields", they measure the size of the field; To identify potential output, compared with the actual production after the harvest. The objective was to identify the tax value, and to ensure that the secretariat in the reporting of the crop. When the crop is ready to harvest, it was cut to mid-leg using MACHETES and packed in packages and transferred to the dry place; In order to avoid loose. And then

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